Ch 4 : Under The Same Sky

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Hello in 2007

"Pssst, you! Hey! You there, I know you can hear me!" Wei WuXian whispered loudly. "Hey, help me! Come on, pretty guy, look here I need your help!"

Lan WangJi had intended to ignore him completely but that insult got to his nerve. He was on his way to the class but still, he stopped and pivoted on his heel abruptly, looking for the noisy person. There he saw a boy, wearing the same uniform and was about the same age as him, tiptoed below a tree branch, sometimes jumped up lightly. His eyes glimmered with mischief and sincerity at the same time. Letting out a deep breath, Lan WangJi rushed towards him.

"What do you want?"

Wei WuXian grinned and Lan WangJi was taken aback. What was he grinning for? Lunatic.

"You're taller than me so," Wei WuXian gestured his hand to the top of the tree, "help me take that cat off the tree."

Lan WangJi frowned. He couldn't believe he bothered to stop just to be hearing something ridiculous right after. He turned back and walked away again, though he was called back immediately.

"Pretty guy, are you that heartless to leave a poor cat stuck on a tree alone? I mean I could easily climb this tree myself but darn this school really has to make everything in white, Jiang Cheng would kill me if I got my uniform dirty and tattered on the first day of school." Wei WuXian rambled on.

There was still 10 minutes before the first class start, if he walked fast enough, he could reach the class in 5 minutes. Frowning, he walked back to Wei WuXian. The latter grinned so white, flashing his great set of teeth, seeing Lan WangJi came back. Not uttering any words, Lan WangJi stood below the place where the cat was, took it easily and held it on his arm. The cat was timid and barely made any movement on his embrace. It looked it was stuck there for a quite long time.

Before he could say or do anything, Wei WuXian blurted, "Wait here!"


Wei WuXian had already dashed from his sight. Lan WangJi's eyes opened wider. He had to go to class! But he couldn't just leave the cat alone. What was that person thinking?  Suddenly leaving him alone? Dejected, Lan WangJi crouched, rubbing the cats head.

Few minutes later, Wei WuXian was back, his hands seemed like he was holding something. He crouched down too, one of the hand touching his stomach, he looked haggard from all the running. Rumbling the plastic bag, he took a sausage and a bottle of water.

"Set it down, he must have been hungry and thirsty." Lan WangJi did as he was told and watched Wei WuXian placed down the sausage and filled up the cap of the bottle with water.

"That should be enough." Wei WuXian clapped both of his hand, cleaning it from the dirts of the ground. "Ah, are you on your way to the class too? Come on, we're gonna be late"

Lan WangJi heart jumped out of the socket hearing 'class' and 'late'. He threw a glare to Wei WuXian then sprang off his feet and rushed to the direction of the class. Wei WuXian trailed behind him, constantly asking who's his name was and always got ignored in return.

They were indeed late to the class. Everybody had already sat inside. Lan QiRen shook his head and looked at Lan WangJi, disappointed. Lan WangJi's face hardened. It was really shameful for him to be late on the first day of school.

"Just get in, I'm tolerating you since it's only the first day. Next time anyone do this, don't ever think of getting in my class."

Hearing that, Lan WangJi bowed with his hand arched in front of him, Wei WuXian followed suit. Lan WangJi rushed to the front seat, the one in front of the teacher, it was empty since no one would ever wanted to sit there. Wei WuXian sat beside Jiang Cheng on the back.

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