Ch 11 : It's Always Been You (END)

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"Why did you do it?"

Wei WuXian looked at Jiang Cheng straight in the eyes. The younger brother was still clenching his fists with his mouth shutted tight. He knew he was in the wrong, but apologizing wasn't his forte.

They all sat in silence as Wen Qing looked at both of them warily. She knew she had to do something with this as it was partly her fault too and she should have told Wei WuXian that Lan WangJi was there for him. But she never got the exact chance to do so and she couldn't just blurt it out suddenly. Not to add, Wei WuXian never asked anything to her either, they were just kind of avoid that topic at all.

"It's not entirely his fault. I should have told you so this misunderstanding won't last this long." Wen Qing finally break the ice.

Jiang Cheng looked surprised by how Wen Qing somehow defended him.

Still boring a stare to his younger brother, Wei WuXian said, "You shouldn't jump to conclusion too quickly. And you always judged people without even knowing them."

"I don't-" Jiang Cheng was about to snap back but held it in. "I'm sorry. I just thought..."

He stopped in the middle of his sentence. Wei WuXian could see that Jiang Cheng was worried of something so he scooted closer to him. He held Jiang Cheng's shoulder and looked at him firmly.

"Jiang Cheng, no matter what happened, you're still my brother. I just wish you would consider how your action could affect people around you."

Jiang Cheng's face softened. He knew he did a grave mistake, but he didn't know that it'll impact his brother to that extent. He just wished, he just wished his brother had more time for him.

"You spent less time with me after you know him," Jiang Cheng finally surrendered, "you're my brother but you spent less and less time with me. Even when he acted like he hate you, you were still clinging on to him."

Wei WuXian's eyes grew wider in shock, he never knew about those thoughts that Jiang Cheng had.

Jiang Cheng continued, "We used to do everything together... But then you spent more of your time with Lan WangJi. But I knew I was wrong, I just thought... No, there's no excuses for me."

In a flash, Wei WuXian enveloped his younger brother in a hug. "It's okay. I'm sorry too for not spending more time with you, it was never my intention to neglect you. I promise I'll go to Yunmeng more often too."

They stayed like that for some minutes until Nie HuaiSang clapped dramatically. "I'm all for family reconciliation and love, but this is too mushy for me. Can't we just, uh, watch the music festival or something?"

Wen Ning who was silent this whole time aggreed, "Yeah, that's a good idea."

Hearing that, Wei WuXian smirked as he just thought of something. "What do you say we play a song today?"

"What? On that big stage?" Wen Ning retorted. "I don't like that much attention..."

Nie HuaiSang stood up in excitement, "I'm in! They're letting people play freely before the big act so I don't see why not."

"A Ning, it's okay. I'll be watching you." Wen Qing patted her brother's back.

So then, they walked to the side of the stage and asked the event organizer whether they can play for today or not. The team said that the lists were long so they had to wait for another two hours. Wei WuXian agreed, as he still had to wait for someone. He just wished Lan WangJi had arrived by the time he got on stage.


Lan WangJi had drove for three hours and he could finally see the colorful glimmering lights on the beach side. It was almost eleven at night when he parked his white SUV and got out of his car. He felt slightly uncomfortable by the amount of people presented but he couldn't contain the fluttering feeling he had from his stomach to his chest.

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