Ch 5 : Cloudy and Sunny

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It was almost noon when Wei WuXian opened his eyes. He rubbed both of his eyes and combed his fingers to his now tangled and messy long hair. Scratching his scalp carelessly, he made his way to the kitchen, strolling around ever so slowly. Sunday was indeed the best day.

The cold water felt fresh to his throat. Wei WuXian coughed, he drank too much water at once. Then he dragged his feet to his bedroom again, pulling his black curtains open. Outside, the sun was blazing as if it wanted to slap Wei WuXian awake. There weren't many clouds as the sky was clear, but there was one cloud hanging somewhere close to the sun. Slowly, it moved, creating a friendly shade for the earth below. The sun wasn't alone, he smiled.

Wei WuXian threw himself back to the bed.

Clouds. Lan WangJi.

He stared at the ceiling, trying to process his train of thoughts. So, he indeed met Lan WangJi. Ever since he left Cloud Recess, he never thought he'd met that person again. Did he remember wrong? Or because it was so long that his memory started to fade? He clearly remembered they didn't part on good term.

Had Lan WangJi forgot too? Lan WangJi said he didn't hate him. But Lan WangJi didn't even look for him when he transferred. He always thought they were close, but then, as long as he could remember correctly, he always got on Lan WangJi's nerves. That was also why he didn't bother to look for Lan WangJi. He was afraid that contacting him would result in knowing that Lan WangJi indeed didn't want to associate himself with him. Lan WangJi was someone other people idolized. He should not mingle himself with a rebel like Wei WuXian. Sighing, Wei WuXian knew, cutting off contact with Lan WangJi was also his own way to protect himself. To protect himself from inevitable rejection.

Wei WuXian sticked out like a sore thumb in Cloud Recess, even more evident when he used to roam around Lan WangJi. Even in his own family, he felt like he didn't belong there. Jiang Family was better without him. In the end, he was alone and had always been alone. 

But these few days, everything felt like a dream. He encountered Lan WangJi just like that. Never in a million years he would ever guessed he'd just see Lan WangJi like that. And it was even more unbelievable that Lan WangJi was... Happy? Elated? Seeing him again. Did he get his mind deluded?

Wei WuXian's eyes wandered to the shawl Lan WangJi gave him. Maybe now that years had passed, that they currently had their own choice to hold, they could try to get along again. He certainly wouldn't hate it to get his long lost friend back to his life.


A knock was heard on the white wooden door. Lan WangJi sauntered through his study to the living room. He glanced through the intercom screen, it was someone wearing a bright green uniform. A courier man. He held something that looked like an enclosed basket on his hand. Lan WangJi pushed a button and opened the lock. The man was smiling at him.

"Ah, I don't know if it's a he or she, but it arrived safely."

Lan WangJi took the basket. "It's a he. Thank you." The courier nodded and left as Lan WangJi closed the door. He took the basket inside the living room and laid it down on his suede white couch. Something wriggled out from the basket.


Lan WangJi smiled as he rubbed his fingers on the furry thing in front of him. The cat purred and plopped himself to the couch. His black fur contrasted with the couch he laid on. He looked at Lan WangJi for a bit before he was busy licking his paws. Lan WangJi stood up and took his phone from the pocket, calling someone. It wasn't long before the other person answered.

"Has he arrived? Sorry, I had to attend a meeting so I couldn't give him to you in person."

"Mn. It's okay. Thanks for looking out for him when I was gone, Brother."

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