Bonus Chapter : Until The Time Is Through

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Lan WangJi woke up to an empty space beside him. He opened his eyes slightly and saw the side where Wei WuXian usually be. He was nowhere to be seen. He took his phone from the night stand and called the person.

One ring. Two rings.

"Lan Zhan!"

The said person let out a relieved breath. "Where are you?"

"I... I'm jogging, hahahaha." He could hear Wei WuXian's laugh from the other side of the phone. "What time are you going to work?"

It's Saturday so Lan WangJi still had to go to school for a half day while Wei WuXian had his day off. Wei WuXian had already moved to Gusu since last week and he usually just laze around to sleep during the day. But today was a rare occasion so it somehow got Lan WangJi surprised that Wei WuXian wasn't in his bed so early in the morning.

"A little bit later."

"Okay, be safe on your way. I'm going to run again for a bit. Love you, Lan Zhan."

The line disconnected but Lan WangJi could hear Wei WuXian gave him a kiss through the phone before it got cut off. He smiled. He never knew before that such silly acts actually made his day better.

So he walked to the kitchen, made some toasted sandwich for breakfast and left some for Wei WuXian. He might be hungry after his run. Then he fed Rabbit some kibbles and walked to the shower.

Passing by the big clock on the living room he saw that it was only half past six. Usually he would snuggle for some times with Wei WuXian, but now the said person wasn't there for him to do so. Then he took his time in the shower, wore his white suit and left his apartment.


Wei WuXian walked inside the apartment with both of his hands full with groceries.

"Lan Zhannnn? Lan Zhannnnn!" His eyes scanned around the room and sharpening his hearing to hear a reply. "Alright, he had gone to work, hehe."

Then he strolled to the kitchen and dropped the full grocery bags.

"Let's see..."

But before he did anything, he took his phone and called someone. "You sure this will work right?"

"Yeah, as long as you don't try to screw anything."

It was Nie HuaiSang. Wei WuXian talked for a bit and hung up. He rolled his sleeve, wash his hands and carefully took out the ingredients from the bags. There were flours, chocolates and some candies.

"Uh, where's the apron?" Then he walked to the counter and saw the sandwiches Lan WangJi left for him. "Look at this, how did I get this lucky to have someone like Lan WangJi?" He muttered to himself and gobbled down all of it.

He opened the recipe that he found on the internet and read it carefully. "Meh, seems easy." He shrugged.

At last he started the actual cooking. He mixed some flour with eggs and water and hummed in happiness. Cooking wasn't that bad actually, he thought to himself.

Then he started to melt some chocolate for the batter he already made but he used the highest heat on the stove. In just a few minutes, the chocolate burned and he panicked, tried to save it by taking it off from the stove with his bare hand. The hot pot toppled and some of it got splattered on his hand.


Wei WuXian quickly ran to the sink and wash his hand, thankfully only small amount got on him. But still, there was a noticable red spot around his right wrist. Sighing, he walked to the emergency cabinet and put some ointment on his wound.

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