Ch 10 : Revelation

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Lan WangJi stared at his phone. It had been six days since Wei WuXian left his place, and though he always preferred to be alone, that wasn't the case this time. He definitely liked the presence of that significant person in his house. Though he knew that it was very unlikely to happen again.

That day, on Christmas, Wei WuXian left in the early morning. He looked rushed and he said that he had plan to spend Christmas with his family in Yunmeng. It was a plausible reason but Lan WangJi knew something must had happened to him the night before because Wei WuXian's behavior was not like himself.

Yes, he did remember that Wei WuXian kissed him the night before and he also remembered that Wei WuXian begged him not to hate him. But he didn't understand why Wei WuXian would be the one who avoid eye contacts with him at all cost. He even planned to leave unnoticed if it wasn't for Lan WangJi's habit of waking up early.

Today was the last day of that year. Lan WangJi didn't want to have this unresolved problem between them. Although he had a hunch that Wei WuXian was avoiding him, he couldn't help but wanting to know what really happened that day to him.

| Wei Ying, how are you? |

Sent 10.23 AM

Lan WangJi waited for the reply patiently. He patted Rabbit's back as the cat slept beside him. They used to text and call everyday, but then, he never knew when it was going to change.
[ Wei Ying ]

| I'm fineeee, how r u lan zhan? |

Received 10.26 AM

| I'm fine. |

Sent 10.26 AM

| Happy New Year, Wei Ying. |

Sent 10.26 AM

[ Wei Ying ]

| hahaha this is still 31st dec. what r ur plans for today lan zhan? |

Received 10.30 AM

| I'm going to cook and do some reading. |

Sent 10.30 AM

[ Wei Ying ]

ehh... not going anywhere?

Received 10.32 AM

| No. I prefer to be home. You? |

Sent 10.32 AM

[ Wei Ying ]

| awww :( I'm going to the beach with jiang cheng and the others |

Received 10.35 AM

| Have fun and be safe. |

Sent 10.35 AM

[ Wei Ying ]

| i will! thanks, have fun you too |

Received 10.40 AM

A smile curled up in Lan WangJi's face. At least Wei WuXian still replied to his message and that was enough for him. But there was still some unsettled feelings inside him and he planned to go sort it after the holidays. He would make plan to go to Yiling to see him. Wei WuXian was lost from his life once, and he wasn't planning to lose him again for the second time.


"Can you drive faster? Why the hell are you driving like an old lady?"

Wei WuXian shoved himself forward from the backseat to the front, his eyes glaring mockingly to Jiang Cheng who was currently driving.

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, "For God's sake! If you don't like my driving then drive this fricking car yourself!"

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