Ch 2 : Until We Meet Again

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The white flower waited for the black butterfly to visit

Wearing thorns it stood tall, surrounded by all, wounded some and fall

A white flower, couldn't walk and couldn't talk

A black butterfly passed by, wings so wide it fluttered

Avoiding the thorns, the butterfly kissed it's petals

The flower promised that it would never wilt

Lan WangJi chanted those lyrics over and over again in his head. He didn't hear it wrong. It was impossible for it to be a mistake. He was not hallucinating. That person... is here.

Following the direction where the sound came, it gradually got louder, so as his own heartbeat.

His steps was hesitant. What if it's not him? What if it's someone else. But... What if... It's really him...

As he walked, the crowd grew denser, with their backs facing him. Now that he stood closely behind those people, he could hear it clearly. The voice was clear, smooth, velvety, with airs of sincerity. A voice so familiar to him. A voice he thought he would never hear again. Not until now.

The way that person pronounced each lyrics was tugging at his heart.

Lan WangJi stood still behind the crowd. He didn't dare to lift his head up. Both of his fists clenched so hard that the knuckles turned white. Was he ready to see that face again? The one he never intended to forget but never expected to see again. His right hand trembled a little, fixing his glass, then slowly lifted his head up.

"Wei Ying."

He whispered to himself. It's been thirteen years since he said that name. The name felt strange but familiar at the same time. Though at this moment, he wanted to repeat that name over and over again.

On the small stage, somewhat of a side stage of the festival, there stood Wei WuXian.

Wearing plain black T-shirt, tucked in loosely on his jeans, which wrapped perfectly around his legs. His hair was tied in a loose knot, some strands fell off on his face. Small beads of sweat decorated his forehead, must have been the energy, the liveliness, as the air around them now were cold. Though signs of maturity had graced his face ever so slightly, he's still as effervescent as ever. With his slender fingers strumming the guitar hanging from his shoulder, Wei WuXian smiled blindingly towards the audience. It was the same, the same face Lan WangJi knew thirteen years ago.

His heart stopped.

Only to beat abruptly again, two times faster than before.

Things were flashing through Lan WangJi's mind. The song, Wei WuXian's voice, hair, face, presence. Wei WuXian. Wei Ying.

The song was getting closer to the ending. He knew it phrase by phrase.

And as the rain falls, the flower stands still

And as the rain falls, the butterfly stay still

And in the storm and under the blazing sun

Together they can make it all

Wei WuXian closed his eyes. Smile plastered on his face. He didn't remember when did he get the inspiration to write the song, but now the words and melodies rolled through his mind effortlessly.

It was a brief moment of silence after the song ended, before the crowds even started clapping, that a shouting voice was heard, all heads turned, looking for the source of the sound. Wei WuXian's eyelids batted and he too, looked for what was the cause of the commotion.

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