Ch 7 : The Unclosed Door

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"Teacher, what are you planning for Christmas?" SiZhui walked beside Lan WangJi, carrying heaps of papers.

Lan WangJi, also got his hand full with books, almost paused in his steps. He never had any special plans on Christmas. His family never celebrated days like that. Not birthdays, not even Christmas. He was always alone, spending some time to read or meditate on holidays. Maybe, something tugged in his heart, just maybe he could make a call to that person this holiday. He was about to answer 'nothing' but changed the his mind later.

"I don't know yet."

SiZhui sighed, his beloved teacher was always like that, never needed the presence of another person in his life. "You could visit me and my grandmother. She will love you. I'm both sad and glad that today is the last day of school."

"Thank you for your offer, Sizhui."

The teacher and student continued to make their way through the corridors until they arrived at the teachers' office. It was empty and quiet, most of the teacher had took their holiday leaves earlier. SiZhui sauntered towards a neat and organized desk, it was none other than Lan WangJi's.

As he walked, Lan WangJi could feel a buzz on his pocket. He rushed quickly to his desk and put the heavy books on top of it.

[ Wei Ying ]

| guess where i am |

Received 12.37

[ Wei Ying ]

This contact has sent you an image. |

Received 12.37

Lan WangJi furrowed his eyebrows. The picture was a bit blurred. But he could make it that it's Wei WuXian's self portrait. Behind him, there was a big writing on a wall.

Gusu... Train station?

His heart trembled a little. Wei WuXian was in Gusu.

| Are you in Gusu? |

Sent 12.38

[ Wei Ying ]

| yess!! |

Received 12.38

| Stay there. |

Sent 12.38

"Teacher? Where should I put this?" Lan WangJi turned his head towards the voice. Only then he realized that SiZhui was still in the room. "Just put in on my desk, thank you. You can go home for the day."

SiZhui nodded and a smile was plastered on his face. "Thank you teacher, see you next semester."

As SiZhui made his way out, he too grabbed his coat and rushed to the school's parking lot. He got in in his white SUV. Lan WangJi was excited. He didn't know or he didn't expect that Wei WuXian would come to Gusu so suddenly. Another unexpected warmth spread through his chest.

The road wasn't crowded so he only took 10 minutes drive to the station. As he drove closer to the pick up area, his heart thumped loudly. It was a familiar feeling of excitement. The one he realized only recently, that he had already felt long time ago in high school.

The white SUV came to a halt and Lan WangJi sprang up from the car. He searched through the crowds. Then his eyes landed on one gorgeous man, standing with an all black attire, contrasting with the white shawl he was wearing. The long hair was tied carelessly. Calming down his own heart, Lan WangJi walked to the man.

"Wei Ying."

The long haired man beamed and suddenly, he felt some weight landed on his shoulder. Wei WuXian's arm had already encircled his neck. Lan WangJi was forced to froze in his place. His body was rigid but his heart had jumbled here and there, madly.

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