Ch 9 : The Christmas Eve

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Rubbing his eyes, Wei WuXian winced at the sunlight creeping through the curtains. It's already the next day. He got home late after the branch opening and dinner yesterday and when he got home, Lan WangJi had just slept. Wei WuXian smiled a little at the fact that Lan WangJi had never changed even after more than a decade had passed. And for other reason that it was actually nice to wake up knowing there's someone else inside the house.

His eyes darted to the clock and got surprised that it was already an hour past noon. He bolted off of his room and found an empty living room. Well, not really that empty since Rabbit was lounging on the sofa, casually licking its paws.

"Rabbit, where's your dad?"

The cat he was talking to just looked at him for a minute and continued to lick his own paws. Wei WuXian shrugged, he knew he was getting weird and now he even talked to cat. After passing the kitchen and fed Rabbit some kibbles, he arrived in front of what seemed to be Lan WangJi's room.

The door was slightly ajar and he peeked a little inside. Lan WangJi was reading a book on his desk and from the way he sit, Wei WuXian could see how the sunlight hit his face... Perfectly. The glass that he was wearing framed his delicate face, again, too perfectly. Wei WuXian was getting too mesmerized to realize he had already opened the door wide.

"Wei Ying? You've woke up." Lan WangJi put his book down and took off his reading glasses.

Wei WuXian scratched his head and grinning. "Ah, yes. Just now." Then he rub his nose a little and continued, "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you."

Lan WangJi got up from his seat and walked closer to where Wei WuXian stood.

"Wait here."

"Eh? Why?" A puzzled look crossed Wei WuXian's face.

"I didn't know what time you will wake up so I haven't cooked anything."


It happened again. Wei WuXian almost dropped to the ground as he could feel his heart suddenly stopped beating. Lan WangJi kept doing that to him, almost like purposely.

"Are you okay?"

Now, Lan WangJi's presence was even closer than before and it didn't help his heart to get any calmer.

I must be going crazy...

Wei WuXian tried to gave his best smile, hiding the rambling of something inside him. "Uh, um... Today's Christmas Eve."

The sudden blurt of, out of topic, words got Lan WangJi halted in his space, but he didn't say anything. He continuously stared at Wei WuXian's nervous eyes. As if he was actually having fun seeing that kind of side of Wei WuXian. Though, he didn't want to jump to any conclusion too quickly.

"Uhm... Like," Wei WuXian scratched his nose again, then a thought crossed his mind and he composed himself, "Ah, whatever. Let's go eat somewhere! It's Christmas Eve!"


That quick response made the person who actually asked the question got taken aback for a bit. "Eh? That was quick. You don't have any plans for Christmas Eve?"

Lan WangJi shook his head immediately.

With the recent curiosity of Lan WangJi's life, Wei WuXian can't help but asked. "So, how do you usually spend your Christmas holidays?" Then all of a sudden realization hit him as he smacked his own forehead. "How can I be so stupid? You can't go to your families because I'm here right?"

For the second time, Lan WangJi shook his head. "No, I usually spent my time reading and making music."


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