Ch 8 : A Sunny Winter

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The street lights danced and flickered as the car cut through the bustling city. Lan WangJi had one of his hand on the steering wheel while the other hand stayed put over his mouth. His mind wasn't in the right place as someone sat beside him and they were driving... To his place. Excitement, anxiety, worries, hope all mixed together in his head and he didn't even knew how to process them. He took a deep breath and tried his best to focus on the road, not someone beside him.

Wei WuXian just sat, abnormally quiet, on the passenger seat. He didn't know why Lan WangJi's face was so stoic. Did he upset him? Well he knew, Lan WangJi must have driven a bit far to go back again to fetch him. But then, he could just say no if he didn't want to? Wei WuXian also took a deep breath, he wondered why he always inconvenience Lan WangJi in every way possible.

They stopped at a red light and the silence was suffocating Wei WuXian. He coughed intentionally and stretched both of his hands upwards. He had to face the problem, he didn't want to run away anymore.

"Lan Zhan." He called him in the softest tone possible, hoping to melt Lan WangJi's icy demeanor.

Lan WangJi shifted on his seat. But he slowly turned his head to the one speaking. "Mn." It was his usual response but it was enough for Wei WuXian.

Wei WuXian smiled. "I'm really sorry for troubling you. Have you driven far?" He clasped both of his hands on his lap.

"No. It's not a trouble. I was still near the area."

He didn't know if Lan WangJi said it because he didn't want to make him uncomfortable but as far as he knew Lan WangJi all this time, he wasn't capable of lying. The clasp on his hands loosened as he heard that.

The cold atmosphere had melt little by little and Wei WuXian started to chatter as usual. "Is your place still far from here? Where do you live? Hmmm, for a prince like you, don't tell me you live in a castle?"

Lan WangJi could see the glint of playfulness on Wei WuXian's eyes before he turned his head forward as the light changed to a green color.

"I don't."

Still with his playful tone, Wei WuXian mimicked a scared face. "Don't tell me you live with Lan QiRen?!"

A small part of him wanted to tease Wei WuXian by answering yes, but he swallowed down that idea. "No."

The horror on Wei WuXian's face disappeared but then it was replaced by another look of worry.

So... Lan Zhan lives alone? And I'm staying over there. Hahaha, Wei WuXian, what are you thinking? You've stayed over at Wen Ning's too for so many times. It's the same, it's the same.

Wei WuXian suddenly laughed out of nowhere.

"What happened?" Lan WangJi glanced over him as he drove.

Looking at Lan WangJi's face beside him, he analyzed his own mind. Wen Ning was his friend and Lan WangJi was his friend too. But he never felt his heart beated this rapidly when he was with Wen Ning. Is it normal for friends? He had just celebrated his 30th birthday last October but he still got himself confused over things like this.

Lan WangJi grew even more worried. "Wei Ying?"

Hearing his name called by Lan WangJi, his heart thumped even louder. Wei WuXian grabbed the hair on the sides of his own head. His heart dropped at the sudden realization. No, it's not the same. Is it because I haven't met him after a long time? Yes, yes, must had been because of that.

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