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There were no words to describe how George felt at the time.

He looked over the article, reading it over and over again.

There was no way Dream would just jump in like that. Especially without telling him. Right?

The news headline being 'Famous Minecraft Youtuber Dream, Logs Himself into Minecraft'.

The word Minecraft at this point being used more loosely as those unfamiliar with it would just call it the death game.

It wasn't like they were wrong though so to speak. 2 weeks ago, 50000 unlucky players online at the time, lost consciousness and went into a coma. It took scientists several days to find out through several brain scans that they had in fact been mentally transferred into a version of minecraft.

One of those people was Sapnap.

But by that time 20000 people had already died. And the number was only rising.

The world began to panic. Scientists and coders alike working on ways to find out what was going on with in the game, and how to get everyone out.

But most people had already guessed it.

To survive, don't die.

To get out, beat the game-kill the Enderdragon.

Which confused everyone on how the feat hadn't been achieved yet. It was never truly substantially hard especially for those experienced with game.

Yet people could only watch as the number of deaths climbed higher and higher, until scientists announced the device they had created. A device that could send the recipients brainwaves into the server, and into the death game.

The device that now apparently Dream had used.

Everyone knew Mojang would send in many of the pros to minecraft in hopes of them being able to help beat it, but for some reason it had not once crossed George's mind that Dream would log in too.

He clenched his phone tighter as he scrolled though the article, over and over again.

It had to have been fake, right? A simple article to get the people's attention.

But Dream hadn't answered his calls, nor had he replied to his texts.

George frantically scrolled through Twitter shaking in horror as he saw 'good luck', and 'it'll be okay messages' on his feed.

It couldn't have been true, Dream couldn't have gone in. He scrolled further and further this time twitching as his fingers began using more and more force.

Sapnap was already stuck, he didn't know if he could take Dream getting trapped in there too.

He opened Dream's twitter page unable to comprehend what he read.

"Thank you everyone." It said in the first tweet.

"And I'm sorry George." It read in the second.

He sat there silently as his grip on his phone weakened. He stared blankly at the screen, wishing at wishing it was all a dre-


George didn't really cry often. He prided himself on that. He could always hold in his tears, and he rarely even found the need to anyways. Plus he didn't want anyone to see him in such a state. But there was no one in the room anyways.

So he let his tears out.

He cried at the fact that his two best friends were stuck in a game. A game where in they could die at any second.

He cried at the fact that he wasn't near them and that he couldn't do anything at all to affect the outcome or stop it.

He cried at that fact that he felt something weird, something strange at the fact that Dream was gone. That he wouldn't be able to hear his stupid laughs and wheezes for who know how long.

His two best friends,  were both putting their lives on the line. They were both trapped in a game with George stuck on the other side. 

And his heart ached at the fact that he wasn't there with them, that any minute they could die and there was nothing he could do to stop it. 

The very thought of that was too much for him to handle, too much for him to process. 

So now George had three goals.

Reunite with his friends.

Beat the Game.

Free the End.

And maybe another one he might develop along the way. 


Cathy pls dont read this.

I know the stuck in a video game trope has been done with these two before, but I wanted to try it out on a multiplayer perspective. Anyways feed back is appreciated lol, bye thanks.

Free the Game, Beat the End [DreamNotFound]Where stories live. Discover now