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𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 arrive at the angels' apartment building and Harley looks impressed. It looked really fancy and the color scheme is white and gold. Amadis looks at Harley says, "It's my first time here as well, but act cool. Don't freak out or anything." Harley nods. "Good." Amadis says before they enter the building. Amadis smiles at everyone, because he recognizes them from when they were up in heaven.

"Hello Finn! I haven't seen you in a while." Amadis smiles and pulls the other angel in for hug. Finn, the other angel, hugs back before pulling away, "Welcome to earth, Amadis! I miss heaven. How are things there?"

Amadis shrugs, "Same old. How are you?"

"I've been tracking this murderer in this time period. And this person isn't a murderer yet in 2017. So, I've been spying on them." Finn sighs and runs his hand through his curls.

"Wait." Harley says. "Did you say 2017?"

Finn nods in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Harley looks like he's about to faint as he looks between Finn and Amadis, "Holy shit. I time traveled."

"Language!" Amadis and Finn say at the same time. Harley looks around, "This is definitely not my time period."

"What year are you from?" Amadis asks. Harley looks at him and nervously bites his nails. He looks around and moves closer to the angels and whispers, "I'm from the year 2031."

Finn's jaw drops and Amadis gasps. They look at each other in silence before Finn's wristwatch lights up and blinks. Finn looks down at his wristwatch and clicks his tongue, "I have to go now."

"Wait, how does this apartment thing work?" Amadis frantically asks before Finn leaves. "Just go to the reception desk and say your name and they'll give you the key to your apartment. I'll catch you guys later. Bye!" Finn says hurriedly as he rushes out of the building.

Amadis does what Finn said and they go up to the apartment. They get on the level where Amadis' apartment is and find the apartment. Harley looks at the doors as they walk through the long hallway, "It's arranged alphabetically and not by numbers like it should."

Amadis looks at the doors too and smiles in amazement, "I just noticed that."

Harley stops in front of one door, "Look!" Amadis stops walking and stands beside Harley. They stare the door with the name 'Anthony' on it.

"Anthony? Like as in, Saint Antho-" Amadis gets cut off by the door opening and out comes Saint Anthony himself. Amadis didn't even know that a few saints were in this building too.

"Hello there, Saint Anthony!" Amadis smiles.

Saint Anthony looks up and gives him a tight-lipped smile, "You know, I'd love to stay and chat but some teenager lost their dress and now I have to find it. I have to find a lot of things actually." Harley and Amadis catch a glimpse of the inside of Saint Anthony's apartment and they scrunch their face when they see how much of a mess it is.

Saint Anthony pulls out a list from his pocket and reads it before closing and locking the door, "I have to shop for these lost things and deliver them. I didn't know I'd be a personal shopper after I died."

Saint Anthony rolls his eyes and bids the two goodbye. Amadis and Harley walk a few feet and reach the door with Amadis' name on it. Amadis unlocks the door with his key and he enters the apartment with Harley.

Amadis closes the door and takes in his new apartment. It looks so immaculate. Harley walks to the kitchen counter and sees a brochure on it. Curious, he grabs it and reads it.

"Whoa, this building has a rooftop canteen! It even has a swimming pool!" Harley smiles excitedly. "I remember when uncle Tom and I went to a resort in Thailand for my birthday. It was so fun!"

Amadis looks at the boy sadly. I'm sure he misses his uncle Tom and his own time period. Amadis makes a silent promise that he will get Harley home to his own time period as soon as possible.

"I miss him." Harley frowns.

"I know you do." Amadis says and goes straight to the kitchen to see what's available to eat or cook. Harley looks around the room and his eyes land on a framed picture in the living room. He puts the brochure back on the kitchen counter before walking to the living room. His eyes widen when he realizes it's a family picture. His family picture.

He picks it up and a small smile appears on his face. However his smile quickly disappears when he sees that his little brother Harvey is fading. 

"Amadis, check this out!" Harley calls. Amadis quickly rushes to him and sees the picture. "Oh, that's cute!"

"My little brother is fading away in this picture." Harley points out.

"Well, that's unfortunate." 

"How do we get mum and dad to meet?" Harley asks in frustration as he sits on the couch and puts the picture frame on the coffee table. Amadis' wristwatch lights up and blinks like Finn's. He looks at it and he says, "Looks like we'll pay your dad a visit."

"What do you mean?" Harley asks in confusion.

"It says on my watch that he's walking around town and your mum is also walking around town." Amadis says and he scrolls down on the little message on his watch.

'It's probably Apple watch or something.' Harley thinks.

"It also says here that today's the day they're supposed to meet." As soon as Amadis says this, Harley's jaw drops.

"We have to go now. We'll grab something to eat on the way." Amadis says, walking to the door with his apartment keys in hand.

Harley crosses his arms, "Do you even have money for that?"

Amadis smirks, "Do you really think God would send me here unprepared? I'll just check the mailbox. There should be an envelope there with cash in it. Our budget is two thousand pounds per day."

If there's one thing that Amadis is so sure of, it's the budget for the angels whenever they're sent to earth for a mission. He knows this because he used to help in mailing the money to the angels on earth.

"Is God, like, a sugar daddy?" Harley asks while snickering. They exit the apartment unit as the angel locks the door before they walk to the elevator.

"What's a sugar daddy?" Amadis asks. Harley sighs, "Never mind."

This is going to be a long day.

* * * *

sorry for the short chapter x

𝟏𝟔𝟖 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ★ 𝐇𝐚𝐳 𝐎𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now