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𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐲 James Osterfield is Y/N and Harrison's first born. He came into their lives unexpectedly, but he was a great surprise and a great addition to their relationship. They got married when Harley was three years old. Y/N's mom never got over what she did to Tom. Y/N's mom definitely took it to heart. Y/N's dad never really liked Tom, but he didn't show it and Y/N was grateful for that. Y/N's dad preferred Harrison and he loved Harrison for his daughter.

Y/N's mom didn't like Harrison, mainly because he wasn't Tom. Y/N and Tom were very civil and they're now good friends; putting the past behind them. Tom was even there at Y/N's wedding. Regardless of being just friends, Y/N's mom still wished that Y/N would've stuck with Tom. Y/N was angry at her mom for thinking that way and for making Harrison cry himself to sleep every night.

This little schism was instantly fixed when Harley was born. Harley is definitely their little angel; their saving grace. He was the golden boy and he was always the one showered with every love and gift. 

Of course, all good things must come to an end because all of that changed when he turned four.  

His sister, Harper, was born when he was four years old. He was confused when everyone started paying less attention to him. He was everyone's favorite then and now he wasn't the favorite because of a certain baby girl. He could've sworn he just blinked.

Harley took it badly. Despite that, he loved his parents. He started to accept everyone favoring his sister with a heavy heart, but the moment he knew when he felt like a waste of space in the family was when he turned nine and his little brother Harvey was born.

He hated his life. He hated his siblings for robbing him of his spotlight. The moment Harper was born, he did everything to be noticed. His uncle Tom loved him, though. Harley is and always will be, Tom's favorite. Tom spoiled the kid so much and treated him like his own. Naturally, Harley told Tom all about his jealousy.

"Just remember that I'm always here for you and you're my favorite." Tom said to Harley when he took him on a weekend trip to Disneyland Paris.

"But why am I your favorite?" Harley asked. He wondered why his uncle Tom loved to hang out with him all the time.

"Because you just are." Tom shrugged. "Besides, everyone is already paying enough attention to Harper. Someone needs to pay attention to you too and that someone is me. You can always count on me, buddy."

"Thanks uncle Tom." Harley smiled brightly. Tom chuckled and ruffled his hair, "Ready to go on the next ride?"


"Let's go!"

Harley told Tom everything. He told Tom about wanting to learn guitar and Tom bought him his first guitar the second Harley told him he wanted to learn. Harley was over the moon when Tom bought him his first guitar. And for a while, everyone's attention turned back to Harley and they were happy for him.

Now that there's a new addition to the family, his short lived spotlight was given to Harvey, his little brother. Harley wanted to give everything he had in exchange for a bit more attention. After all, he was deprived of it. 

Harley is now ten years old and he signed up for his school's talent show with his best friend. He told his parents all about it and they promised they'd be there. He also invited Tom, but Tom had already made a very important business commitment that he can't back out of. However, Tom promised Harley that he'd make it up to him the day after.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Harley asks his parents before walking out the door. Harley's getting a lift from his best friend, Jack, because they want to practice together.

𝟏𝟔𝟖 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ★ 𝐇𝐚𝐳 𝐎𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now