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𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 stays quiet and Tom's smirk grew wider when no one said a thing. 

"I object." Y/N says. Everyone gasps and Tom's jaw drops. Bradley's eyes widen in shock and pats Tom's back, a subtle way of letting him know that he's there for him. Amadis smiles to himself and says a silent 'thank you' to God.

"Wha-Why?!" Tom asks with confusion written all over his face.

Y/N takes a deep breath and looks in Tom's eyes. Those brown eyes she once loved are now replaced with blue eyes owned by the new man she loves.

"You're just having cold feet, love." Tom desperately tries to change Y/N's mind.

"I'm so sorry, Tom." Y/N cries. "I don't love you anymore and I realized that I can't marry you while pretending to love you. It wouldn't be fair to you."

"I also know what happened in Prague. I know you slept with someone else. I just acted like I didn't know, but I can't stay with you and let you think I'm stupid and that I wouldn't know or find out. It hurts a lot, Tom." She adds.

Y/N turns to look at Bradley and says, "You knew about him sleeping with someone else and you never had the decency to tell me. I treated you like a friend and you couldn't even do the right thing."

Bradley just looks down in shame.

She turns back to Tom, "You and I know that our relationship hasn't been the best lately. It's been falling apart and we don't even know each other anymore. Tom, you're a great man and you're so much more than what the public portrays you. Sleeping around is just your way of dealing with things and you have to change that, because one day you'll meet someone who's more than enough for you. I promise you that. That 'someone' isn't me and I'm sorry.

"I care about you so much and it sucks because even after what you did, I still wish you the best. I sincerely do and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I tried everything I could to love you again, but I couldn't anymore. I'm sorry."

With that, she takes her purse from Saoirse and runs away. Amadis, who's seated at the back, runs after her. It was now time for fate to step in.

Tom just stands there with tears streaming down his face. He feels humiliated and he feels bad for being so insensitive to what Y/N was feeling. It's too late now. Tom wished he could turn back time, but it was impossible. Not even all his money could fix the damage. All he had to do was keep moving forward.

Y/N's father looks at Tom and shakes his head.

"Y/N, wait up!" Amadis shouts as he runs after her. Despite her heavy down, she still manages to outrun the angel. Y/N glances behind her and slows down when she sees Amadis catching up to her. Once she comes to a full stop, Amadis reaches her. He slightly bends over with his hands on his knees as he catches his breath.

"Where are you going?" Amadis asks as his breathing turns normal.

"I don't know." Y/N sighs. "I don't even know what I'm doing. I don't know if I made the right decision back there. Maybe Tom's right; maybe it's just cold feet. Should I go back there?"

"What? No!" Amadis says and shakes his head. "What you did back there was super brave, actually. Some people wouldn't even do that and they'd just accept their fate; they'd marry a terrible person."

"Tom's not THAT bad." Y/N defends. "He's got some good points, but at the same time, I like someone else. I think I love them already."

"It sound like you're confused. Who's the other person?" Amadis asks even though he already knew.

Y/N looks at him and sighs, "It's Harrison. He's just such a great guy, y'know? He's such a gentleman and he's so kind and funny and chill. He's not arrogant and he's simple. I love him."

𝟏𝟔𝟖 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ★ 𝐇𝐚𝐳 𝐎𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now