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𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 something to happen can only go two ways. One, it can go really well. Two, it can fail and it'll make us want to crawl in a hole and die of shame. Amadis and Harley were really nervous. They only have one hundred and twenty hours left for their mission. If you translate that in days, they only have five days left. Time was really ticking and they really need their plan to work.

They weren't nervous about asking Harrison to join them because Harrison was a free guy. It was Y/N they were worried about. She's always near Tom and they were worried that Tom might join them for their lunch. If that happens, they'll have to think of a back up plan. A back up plan that they don't have yet.

Take note: in planning something, we must have back up plans until we finish all the letters of the alphabet. When all twenty-six plans fail, that's the time when we should crawl in a hole and die of shame.

"Will this work?" Harley asks as he bites his nails. Amadis glances at the ten year old boy and scrunches his face, "First of all, stop that or God won't let you grow any nails anymore."

Harley looks at him innocently and stops biting his nails.

"Second of all, I'm not sure if it's going to work. But since I literally work for God, there's a big chance that it might work." Amadis tells him. Harley just nods as they both stare at the restaurant's door.

"What does your Apple Watch say?" Harley asks after a minute.

Amadis checks his watch and sighs, "It says here that they're getting ready."

"But that was like an hour ago!" Harley whines and rests his head on the table.

"Don't be overreacting, Harley." Amadis chuckles. "It was just ten minutes ago. Besides, they're probably on the way now."

As soon as he says that, the restaurant doors open only to reveal Y/N and Harrison walking towards them.

"Well, speak of the devil." Amadis says in shock.

"Isn't that against the angels' law or something? Talking about the devil?" Harley asks in confusion.

"I don't think so. If it were against the law, then all of us angels would be sanctioned. So far, no one's been sanctioned for years." Amadis shrugs as he stands up and pulls out a chair for Y/N.

"Aww, thank you." Y/N smiles sweetly as she sits down. Harrison sits next to her and they all greet each other. Amadis goes back to his seat and they all order.

"Thanks for inviting me! I honestly thought I'd never see you again." Y/N chuckles as she puts the table napkin on her lap.

"Well, you're wrong." Amadis chuckles lightly. "So how's your engagement and stuff? All good?"

Amadis notices her face falling after he asks that. Y/N quickly gives them a small smile and sighs, "It's, uh, really stressful. Can we- Can we not talk about it? I was really hoping for a relaxing day."

"I'm sorry for asking." Amadis bites his lips, immediately feeling guilty for asking.

"It's okay. You didn't know. Tom isn't really helping with the planning. He's always so busy and he's out of the country right now." Y/N tells them.

Their food arrives and they begin to eat.

"Where'd he go?" Harley asks.

"Prague. He told me he was there for business. In fact, he just left today." Y/N shrugs.

Harley and Amadis quickly look at each other before turning back to Y/N. Amadis smiles and says, "Speaking of Prague, I'm going there for work too."

𝟏𝟔𝟖 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ★ 𝐇𝐚𝐳 𝐎𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now