Chapter 26

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Nico's P.O.V.

We quickly rush out of that part of the cave. "Are we almost there?" I ask Percy's sister. "Almost." she says. Suddenly there's an opening. We enter and I see a little six year old boy shaking in fear. He has chocolate brown eyes and jet black, shaggy hair that falls in front of his eyes. He's wearing an army jacket. "Alex!" Rebecca yells running to him. "Re Re!" he yells. She runs to him and picks him up just as a minotaur, or a dozen, show up. Rebecca backs up holding Alex, my half-brother, close to her. Percy pulls out Riptide as I pull out my sword. "Rebecca, give Alex to Will, we need you to fight with us." I tell her and she nods as she does as I say. "Let's kick some minotaur buts." I say smirking and we charge.

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