Painful Memories

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I had the lights turned off and Shiozaki brought me an ice pack for my damaged head and some food to eat incase I got hungry.

She made it very clear she didn't want me leaving my room for at least two hours so I got two hours of rest.

After I was done resting I opened my phone and stared at my screensaver, it was me and my brother Miko when he graduated U.A. , Mom and Dad were so proud of him.....but will be the opposite towards me when I graduate.

Miko has Black hair and brown eyes like my father, while I inherited my mother's looks.

I decided to text my brother to meet up with him, it had been five months since I've seen him last.

I opened up my contacts and went straight to my brothers contact and texted him.

Me:Hey Miko! You Up or are you doing hero work?

Miko:No I'm at home with my girlfriend. Why what's up? Is everything alright at school? Are you getting bullied! If you are I will schedule a meeting with the principal about this!

Me:No Miko I'm not getting bullied, I actually just wanted to talk to you....I did pass out today if I'm being honest......but everything is fine a student brought me to the infirmary.....I had severe head damage because of Mom and Dad but that's okay....

Miko:No it's not Neito, I know you've said no a lot of times but I don't mind you moving in with me or Askari, she really likes you and can't wait to be your sister in law. As long as your safe from mom and dads horrible abuse!

Me:And I know I've said no a lot of times and my answer is still no.....I know I can prove to them I'm good enough! Even if everything they say is true.....

Miko:Okay I'm coming to pick you up, meet me at U.A. entrance we're going to have a brothers day out.

Me:Oh? Okay I'll get dressed.


I chuckle, and get up from bed, I get dressed and begin to leave, Kendo stops me before I could leave the building though "Where are you going Monoma?" She asks still worried and feeling guilty for me passing out.

"I'm going to hang out with my brother, I'll be back before curfew." I explain and she nods and I get to leave.

I stood at the school entrance checking my phone waiting for Miko when I felt hands hug me from behind "Boo!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turn to see Miko's face smiling back at mine "Miko hey long time no see! Did you do something with your hair." I said teasingly because I know he never does anything with his hair.

He rolls his eyes playfully "Yeah yeah, anyways what up Little bro, have you been studying and getting good grades?" He asks, he may not be anything like my parents but he's strict when it comes to good grades because he wants me to succeed.

My mind plays back when I flunked one of my first exams "Heh about that...." I say and he sighs.

"Do I need to start tutoring you again Nei?" He began to call me by my nickname and I shake my head.

"No no no! I'll be taking things more seriously I swear I've just focused on-." I was cut off by Miko.

"Trying to prove your better than 1-A for mom and dads approval...." he says knowing what I was about to say.

I look to the side not facing him and he hugs me, we walk off to the mall to do some brotherly bonding.

We chatted for a while and began to catch up with eachother, turns out Miko even made local news for saving ten hostages at the bank, I could see why he was Mom and Dads golden child.

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