Camping pt 1

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Today the teachers decided that for the last week in summer school to let the students that had to stay, go camping in the woods.

I was packing when I opened my drawer to see my white and blue teddy was the last gift I had from my sister......

I picked it the end of the summer would be the anniversary of her death......and her birthday......I still remember her gifting it to me.

I was unwrapping gifts that Miko, Aunt Hyria, Grandma, Grandpa, and Shima had gifted me.

When finally I get to Shima's gift!

I open it to see a White and blue teddy bear "You've been having nightmares recently so I thought I'd give you a snuggle Buddy so you're never alone!" She says and I hug it.

"Thanks sis I'll cherish it forever!" I smile.
I sigh then get a knock on the door "Monoma! Come on let's go!" I heard Kendo call out.

"H-Hold on! Just let me finish packing!" I said before carefully placing my bear in the bag, not to ruin it.

I had this tradition ever day on her birthday, that I'd cuddle with Shi, Shi is what I named the bear, it's short for Shima.......

I zip up my bag and exit the room heading to the front of the dorms where Mr. Kan was waiting "Alright everyone here, let's go." He says before we walk off to the bus.

At the sight
The teachers left us to choose someone from the opposite class, and then both of us would set up a tent.

I was struggling to find someone, when I get a tug on my shirt, I turn to see Yuga there "Neito, wanna share a tent?" He asks.

My face flushed "Sure!" I said and he grabs my hand as we head off to grab one.

We set it up and set our bags inside, when I open mine the bear was the first thing to pop up "Huh? Is that a teddy bear Neito?" Yuga asks and I feel my face grow warmer.

I quickly grab it "N-no! Umm it's ummm!!"

"Hey it's okay you don't have to tell me if your not comfortable." Yuga reassured me and I sigh.

"Well....." I popped my head outside to see if anyone was in hearing reach and then shut the zipper "Yes it is a bear.....but it's much more than that....." I said.

"What is it?" He asks looking at Shi.

"Her name is Shi.....she's the last gift I have of uhh dead sister......" I look down.

"Oh!.....I see......well your secrets safe with me." He says and I smile.

I'm glad I could trust Yuga.......we had quite more in common that I thought we would.......

Activity 1
Since this was still an educational trip we had some activities that needed to be done for the week

The first one was taking pictures of all the different animals in the forest.

We had to pick a stick from the cup to choose our groups, we were all put into groups of four, and just to my luck, I got put with three people of 1-A who I barely know. They were Koda, Shoji, and Tokoyami.

"Alright so we have to take pictures of all different species in this forest, where do we star-." Tokoyami was about to finish when the camera snapped. I look to see Shoji taking a picture of him.

We all look at him confused when we says "I mean he's a bird." He says and I take one more good look at Tokoyami and I felt myself laughing.

"OH SERIOUSLY SHOJI!" He yells annoyed, I'm guessing this was a regularly thing.

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