Chapter 2

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I was currently sitting on my bed in my room, I've been living in the same house since I was six, that's when I became friends with Sasha.

When I first moved to Mistmoor, I didn't have any friends and I was new, my mom would take me to the playground everyday and I would doodle on the little notebook I had. I was bullied by the other kids for how I looked.

Thats where I met Sasha, she had the same notebook I had and she started teaching me how to doodle. We had the same interests, and we hung out ever since. We became best friends.

James decided to invite me to this party Amanda was throwing. Amanda was James's girlfriend, he had met her last year in the carnival. Her and I don't get along, she always jokes about my friend ship with Sasha.

I thought of inviting Sasha but she was in a bad mood, she started to slowly drift away from me. I thought of going over to her aunts house and see how's she's been doing.

I asked James for the address, Sasha's aunt gave it to him. Her house wasn't too far away from mine. I knew how it looked like so it wouldn't be hard. Plus, mistmoor was simple town, surrounded by mountains.

The weather was cold today and the clouds hung low under the sky, giving it a magical view. Everyone waved as I passed by them everyone knows one another here.

I passed by 'Starbucks' and I thought about getting Sasha something to eat. When I entered the small Starbucks cafe I noticed a lot of people whispering about the girl who kept screaming in front the Starbucks door just now. I chose to ignore them.

I bumped into a male employee, it was Andrew. "Hey man." He said as he high-fived me. Andrew was one year ahead of me. He already graduated school and was in college, he worked here in Starbucks.

"Hey Andrew." I said back, I took a deep breathe before telling him my order then he interrupted me. "Lucas." He said in a low whisper.

"Your friend Sasha just threw a tantrum and started screaming and crying, her aunt had a hard time controlling her." He continued.
It's very strange for Sasha to act like this, yes she was strong, but I didn't ever remember her screaming in public.

"Why do you think that happened?" I asked, I was pretty sure I knew the answer, cause her parents were gone. But the thing is the Sasha i knew, wouldn't do such thing. Seriously what happened.

Andrew just shrugged and froze when he saw the confusion written all over my face. "I was guessing because of what happened to her parents." He stated.

"What do you want to order?" Andrew asked, after minutes of discussing about Sasha's situation. "Nothing." I said and I made my way to the door leaving Andrew confused.

I wanted to check on Sasha, to see if she was okay. It felt like she was drifting away from me. I decided I wouldn't get her anything and hurry to her aunts house.

All houses were the same and I found myself confused on which house was hers. My legs were screaming in pain as I reached her house. It was no different than yesterday.

I knocked on the door gently and waited for her or her aunt to open it. I was nervous because of how her aunt would treat me. She wouldn't know me. Unless Sasha told her.

After three whole minutes of waiting I gave up and turned around, that's when the door slightly opened, revealing Sasha's aunt. She had red lipstick on, ton of makeup, her  light brown hair was tied into a neat bun on top of her head, she had an old looking pendant necklace on. She looked like she was getting ready for a party in vintage.

"Well hello there." She said in a sweet tone, "how may I help you?" I noticed that she was wearing a pearl bracelet that I have given  to Sasha on her birthday three years ago, she liked it and she never took it off ever since. It surprised me how her aunt could have it, or maybe she bought a similar one.

"I'm Lucas nice to meet you." I said as I extend my arms for her to shake. "Well nice to meet you Lucas." She said as her cold slender hand slipped between my fingers.

"I was wondering if I could talk to Sasha." I said, so quickly that I had to catch my breath. She had a proud look on her face, "follow me." She said and I obeyed.

We walked in the dark hallway, the carpet was red and family photos hung on the walls in all directions. On my right was the living room, it looked old just like the whole house. The cushion was old and torn I could see the sponge coming out, the room was a mess, newspapers everywhere, the house was in a terrible form.

"Take a seat." Said Sasha's aunt and she pointed at the cushion. I slowly sat there looking around. "Want some tea?" She asked. I nodded, I was taught that saying no was somehow rude. She handed me the cup of tea. And sat down across from me.

"So you know Sasha?" She asked, taking a sip from her tea. "Yeah" I replied back. The room was suddenly so cold I had to take a sip from my tea as well.

"Weird she never told me about you." She said almost mocking me, I didn't know how to reply to that so the sentence hung out in the air between us. Her aunt was the first to break the silence, "anyways I'm Maria, Sasha's room is the first on your right upstairs." She said as she quickly stood up and took the cup of tea away from me.

The staircase was just on my right, I was afraid to step on that thing, as if it would collapse. It smelled disgusting in here. I knew that this house was old, it looked a lot different from the outside.

As I slowly made my way upstairs, the stairs made a sound after every step. Until I reached the second floor.

The second floor wasn't much different from downstairs, it was dark and the carpet was read and dirty  there was one door on my right, and three on my left. The doors looked old that I could easily break them.

I was guessing the one on my right was Sasha's, so I knocked softly, nobody replied but I heard a faint sound from the other side.

I opened the door slowly and it clicked, I pushed it further and looked around the room. It looked much nicer and cleaner than the rest of the house.  A table was in front of the windows and a queen sized bed was in the middle of the room, on the right side of the room was a closet. Everything in her room was in the color white. Everything.

"Sash." I called out her name, only to find her sitting by the window, hugging her knees, to her chest, shaking.

"Sash." I called out again and ran towards her, she was staring at the floor. "What's wrong what happened, are you okay." Her head looked up as if she  suddenly acknowledged my presence.

"Sash," I said as I sat beside her wrapping my arms around her shoulders, "what went wrong in Starbucks?"I asked her she just shook her head in response.

"I'm fine." She said. I knew from experience that when girls say they are fine, they're not. And for some reason, that fact that she said that broke me. I didn't know how to react whatsoever.

"So, James's girlfriend is throwing a party would you like to come?" I asked. Not so sure of her reaction.

"What time?" She asked. Looking at the ground .

"At 7, I can come pick you up." I said, she looked at me and nodded. "Okay,I'll get ready." She said.

"But sash," I said as she looked up. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here, just know that."

She nodded.

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