Chapter 5

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Sasha has been missing for three days, I got questioned by the police yesterday. I told them about her strange behavior and they said they'd look into it.

I got a text from James.
Want to come over?
I went to his house weekly and we play video games most of the time.
I decided not to waste the chance and that am going.
K. I sent back.

I got up of my bed, which looked like a mess because I've been spending the past hour on there. Thinking about how my life took a turn. The weather outside was cold.

I got up put on my jacket, got my phone and went outside. I have only realized that I forgot my game controller when I went outside. Whatever, i'm too lazy and tired to go get it anyways.

As I was walking down the street, I noticed that a lot of flyers asking about Sasha hung on the trees. I went over to the tree on my left and pulled the flyer hanging on it.

A picture of Sasha was printed on it, she was smiling, her hair was in a low ponytail. I remembered that photo was the picture she took In the plane when she was coming back. I didn't know how they got that photo,  I was the only friend she had. Right?

When I reached James's house, I was exhausted, the cold air has torn through my lungs making them burn. It was a miracle that I reached jame's house alive, I knocked on his door, then I leaned against the wall. I regretted coming here.

The door opened revealing Amanda. "Hey Lucas ." She said, with her smile, I didn't feel like smiling back at her. I probably looked like shit because she eyed me confused. "Come in." She said quietly making a face at me.

James's house was pretty simple, the living room was pretty small , he lived with his mother who was busy most of the time. The past three years, I came over a lot, but all I did was text Sasha, complaining about my day. God I missed her.

I heard footsteps coming "Hey man what's up." It was James, his voice was cheerful but his face fell when he saw me. "Lucas man, don't tell me it's Sasha again, they'll find her." He said.

"Yeah but, I don't know what to think, what if she's gone forever, she acted different. what if she's running away from me." I said, spilling everything out. I went and sat down on the sofa, my head in my hands. "I'm going to Find her myself." I said, determined.

"Dude, you cant do that,you can't even find your way to school everyday" Said James. He was right, but I couldn't risk Sasha's life, my best friends life. Sometimes you love someone so much that you'd do anything to have them in your life. You don't know if you miss them, or the old days.

Before I got the chance to reply to James, Amanda came rushing downstairs her hands full of game controllers, "James, let's plaay." She said, pulling the word "play" more than necessary.

James looked at me then at Amanda, Amanda wore the sad puppy face. I didn't know why James liked her, her face was annoying.

James shook his head, "No sorry Amanda, I gotta hang out with Lucas as well." He said. To be honest I was proud that he said that. Amanda was really annoying me at this point. I wanted to just scream at her, and destroy the house. But I didn't do it. Even though I could.

"But James, how about you come over to my house." Amanda said, this time, she made more effort, I was so pissed of. I always have.

"Fine." James gave in. I saw Amanda's face light up. I was holding myself together at this point. She was now stealing James away from me when right now when I needed him the most.

"Uhm Lucas, are you coming?" Asked Amanda, twirling her hair. I thought about it. Going there might somehow help me find Sasha.

"Sure." I said.

"Okay, so." She said clapping her hands. "James, you drive."
James nodded as he went to the front door and climbed in his car.

I rested my hands on the passenger seat door handle when Amanda came rushing beside me. "No Lucas you're at the back." She said

I didn't want to be the immature one here so I let her be, and I sat on the backseat.

The only thing I wanted was to search Amanda's house, to see if I could find Sasha somewhere. I knew it was a stupid thing to do, and I may not find anything, but I decided there was a chance so why not.

When we reached Amanda's house, it was much cleaner than the other day. Amanda  went up to her room, James following her. I decided I would go with them since I didn't want to be alone.

Her hallway upstairs looked luxurious, different decorations were made, no photos hung on the walls. There were a lot of  different rooms, the doors were painting in white and the knobs were golden.

Once we reached Amanda's room she let both me, and James in. As soon as she opened the door, I could smell the smell of daisies. She had a huge window displaying the huge pool outside. Her room was painted in baby blue and was clean. Her queen sized bed was in the middle of the room, her bookshelf was on the right side of the bed. The floor was covered with a fuzzy carpet. Her desk table was In the corner.

Amanda and Lucas sat on her bed and I followed them, looking around, mesmerized by the view. Their conversations were mumbled as I was drowning in my thoughts, trying to make up a perfect plan.

"Hey Lucas.." Said James, "what's up." I replied back interested.

"Amanda wants to show me something downstairs do you mind staying here?" He said, he sounded excited, or maybe waiting for me to ask if I can join him. I thought it was my perfect chance to go look around her room.

As soon he and Amanda left, I looked around me, wondering where I should start. And then it hit me. Why was I looking for stuff in her room? And why should I look around her house, there was no way for her to do something to Sasha. I gave up and got tired and decided to walk home. I'd text James later.

As soon as I got up to leave my eyes landed on Amanda's table, I saw a piece of paper that I didn't notice before. I thought that I shouldn't be too nosy but curiosity got the better of me, so I went to check. 

I picked the delicate piece of paper and read what was written on it.

Dear Amanda,

I cannot text you because I'm on my way there, so i'm sliding this note to let you know to meet me at Starbucks cafe at 8. I need to discuss something.

I was about to read the rest when Amanda came in. "Lucas, what're you doing?" She asked. I hoped she didn't catch me reading her note.

"Uhm nothing i'm leaving bye." I said, then I rushed to the door leaving Amanda dumbfounded. I made a mental note of going to Starbucks at eight to see who was Amanda meeting up with.

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