Hell To Pay (Cole's point of view)

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I felt horrible leaving her like that, but my anger is controlling me now. After she told me about her father, I couldn't keep myself from exploding.

"He's still human,"

That's what she told me. But I don't believe a word of it. After everything he did to her, it wasn't right. No human could do things like that to someone like her. I want to make sure it wasn't going to happen again.

I drive down the road heading towards Downman Street, that's where she lives. In the blue house with the white door. I'm definitely going over the speed limit and as I pull in the driveway, my tires squeal on the pavement. I keep my car running and get out, slamming the door.

This isn't going to take long.

The front door is unlocked, so I throw it open. He's sitting on the couch, drinking and swearing at the television.

"Who the hell 'er you?!" He shouts when he realizes I am approaching him.

"I'm your wake up call..." I answer.

"Get the hell out of my house, faggot!"

I finally stand in front of him. I grab his shirt and pull him up off the couch. He tries to pull a gun on me, but I'm sober and faster than him. I rip the pistol from his hand before he can even lift the barrel to me. I toss it across the floor and he looks at me in horror.

Are you awake yet?

"You wanna try something like that again or do you want to listen?"

I want to kill him, I really do. But just thinking of Emaline makes me calm enough to keep from being homicidal.

"W-what the hell is this about?!" He screams.

I pin him against the wall, my arm against his neck. Not hard enough to choke him, but just tight enough to keep him from going anywhere.

"Let me clear things up for you, Rick. You have a daughter, Emaline. I hap-"

He cuts me off with a brutal laugh.

"That bitch? HA! The slut deserves all of what I gave her and more! Let her know when she gets home her daddy's gonna get her. I'm gonna straighten her out and put her in her place."

"You fucking-"

"You don't understand a damn thing, boy! That girl was a mistake, biggest one I ever made!"

I punch him without thinking about it. I didn't have to think about it. Blood starts to run down the corner of his mouth and he bruises almost instantly.

He should have just listened.

"Shut your goddamn mouth, you piece of shit! That girl is perfect, she's not the mistake, you are."

I punch him again and continue my lecture,

"The only thing wrong with her is her concern for your lazy drunken ass!"

I throw three more punches harder than the first two. He falls to the floor, still conscious.

"You should be thankful I didn't fucking kill you! You don't deserve to live and when you wonder why you're still alive, just remember it's because of your daughter!"

I spit at him.

"Don't look for her, don't look at her, and don't try to contact her. If you ever even think about hurting her again, you won't be as lucky as you are right now because I will kill you..."

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