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I don't own anything.


Minho sighed. It's been four years. Four years. Once the FBI got them away from the Safe Haven, they were separated because their families 'missed' and 'needed' them. Bullshit if you ask Minho. Those kids (and very few grownups) were the only thing they had. They had each other. Sure, they had a few fallen ones (like Newt, Chuck, Teresa (a/n she didn't betray them, they made a plan that involved them acting as if she betrayed them, does that make sense?), Thomas, Alby, etc) but they still had each other. Minho sighs again. Thomas. The stupid idiot just had to die saving everyone, didn't he?

You see, Janson took Thomas because he's the Cure, right? Well, Janson killed him. He drained Thomas of his blood and for what? It was a simulation! Everything that happened there physically happened in the real world too! Thomas was killed. For a disease that doesn't even exist. Newt was killed by that disease. Teresa died because she wasn't fast enough to jump after they tried to save Thomas. She had seen his dead body. Teresa had succeeded in getting Thomas away for a few minutes until Ratman showed up again. He knocked Teresa out and killed Thomas, you see, Thomas wasn't fighting back. The reason? Well, he was shot. He couldn't put up too much of a fight. The other reason? He wanted to save people. So the idiot sacrificed himself (for nothing apparently). When Teresa woke up again, she saw Thomas' lifeless body and Janson injecting the Cure to himself. Teresa only saw red, she attacked and killed him. She had also put the Cure in the air, curing every Crank.

Minho sighs once again. He takes a seat in the classroom. It's funny. Minho used to be so sassy and confident. He still is, but he doesn't show it. He pretends. He pretends to be the Minho everyone used to know. He pretends to be shy and scrawny. He pretends not to have lost his best friend and crush. He pretends not to be separated from his family. His real family. The Gladers and Scorchers. He thinks that he wouldn't even recognise one of them. It's been too long for that. They don't even have each other's phone numbers or addresses. Why? Simple; the FBI forbade them. Something about having to move on. Again, if you ask Minho it's bullshit.

The class fills with students who all think they have big problems. Don't get Minho (a/n and me) wrong, depression and stuff like that isn't something that should be taken lightly, but they don't know what he's been through. He's been quite literally tortured. They don't know about his physique, though. Not about the scars, the muscles, the tan, nothing. He likes it that way. If there would be a threat the opponent would underestimate him. That gives him the advantage.

Anyway, back to class. Minho doesn't have any friends at school. The school is in San Francisco. He's been living there for those past four years. Gosh, I keep going off topic, so back to the topic, friends. Minho doesn't have any friends because they all think he's a 'freak' since he always wears a hood so no-one ever saw his face (a/n just go with how he sees, it's Minho) at school and he never spoke one word in class or outside of it. Only at home, and those are simple words like "go away" or "no" or "leave me alone". The longest sentence he ever spoke since getting back was "I don't want to talk about it", he said it once and never spoke it again or anything as long as that sentence.

The kids laugh at him, he's wearing a baggy shirt with a hoodie on top. He looks really scrawny and thin, if only they knew. The teacher walks in and gives Minho a sympathetic glance. He rolls his eyes. He lies his head on the table. Another boring day. He misses running. That's why he runs at four am, when nobody is awake yet. Or at least, outside yet.

After school he goes home and sees a girl he doesn't know standing in the kitchen. He acts quickly and quietly, he grabs a knife from the counter and holds it against her throat from behind her. She stiffens. "AUNT JAMIE!" She yells as she shakes. Minho presses the knife harder against her throat. His aunt runs into the kitchen. "Minho! That's your sister! Let go of her!" His aunt yells. Minho lets go with a grunt. He places the knife on the counter and lowers his hood. "That's my brother? I thought his name was Ki-Ha. Mom said it was-" "he prefers Minho. Minho say hello," his aunt Jamie smiles.

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