Chapter 11: What The Hell Soul!?

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~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

Me and Maka were walking home from the girl's night out with Blackstar.

Maka punches Blackstar hard. "You bitch. Why were you trying to rape (Y/N) back there!?" She yells.

"Well I'd like to know why you and Kid were making babies." I say crossing my arms. Maka slams her book on the top of my head.

"Shut up." Maka grumbles. Blackstar gasps loudly.

"Maka had-!" Blackstar starts to yell but I punch him in that.......area.......

He falls to the floor holding his......part....... in a ball.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He kept repeating. Me and Maka just laugh.

"Bitch." I say.

Well we finally got home and we see Soul asleep on the couch watching some baby show. Oh wait. Mel is there. Nevermind.

"Why is-? Oh nevermind." Maka says putting her bag on the table. I put mine next hers. I smirk.

"Since Soul is sleeping with his mouth close and breathing with his nose......" I think. I walk over slowly trying not to laugh.

I hold his nose close and he gets up quickly. He glares at me. I just start laughing like crazy.

Soul's eyes just went wide. He points at my dress and shoes shakily. (Shakily is not a word. I know._.)

"What." I ask blankly. He trembles.

"Your dress!" Soul exclaims. I sigh and whisper in his ear.

"Soul. Can I explain in the bedroom?" I whisper in his ear. His eyes go wide. I roll my eyes.

"Not like that Soul." I mumble. His eyes go back to normal.

~skip to everything is explained with (Y/N) and Soul all alone in their bedroom~

~Soul's P.O.V~

"So let me get this straight. You and Maka went to a girl's night out and didn't tell me, Maka was actually Blackstar, your stepfather Jerry almost killed you, you killed Jerry, Blackstar almost raped you, and Maka did it with Kid?" I said looking at (Y/N). She nods.

"Yep. I almost lost it." She said making the bed. "Man. Our room was so dirty and I didn't even notice."

"Lost what?" I say confused helping her. She stops.

"My sanity." She mumbles looking down. She then flops on the bed face first.

"(Y/N). We just made the bed." I whine. I hear sniffling. I sit next to her.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright." I say rubbing her back. She sits up slowly.

"Soul. Can I be alone?" She whispers. I nod and leave. The second I leave the room I'm bored.

"I'm bored." I mumble putting my hands in my pocket. I walk downstairs almost tripping on one.

"Maka! Where are you!" I yell walking around the house. I walk to the bathroom and open it. I see Maka in the bathtub naked. I have a sudden nosebleed.

She looks in my direction and screams. "Soul! What the hell!?"

I hear another door open and running. It was (Y/N). She looks in.

"I heard a bang so what-!" She says looking at me and Maka. "Soul! What the hell?!" She yells.

"It's okay. Cool guys like me see Maka naked all the time." I say.

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

"Soul. You're such a pervert." I say pulling him out of the bathroom and closing the door.

"Thank you!" Maka yells from the bathroom.

"Get up." I command. Soul gets up and looks at me. I punch him in his gut.

"Oof!" He says falling back.

"What the hell Soul! Why would you look at Maka in the bathtub!" I yell. He looks at me and motions me to come close. I kneel down to him and he pulls me down and pinning my wrists. We laugh.

"Geeeeet off." I say. Soul collapses on me. "Soul. What are you doing." I say trying to push him off. He then licks my face. I wipe it off quickly.

"What the hell?" I say. He puts his hand over my mouth and climbs closer to me.

"(Y/N). Do you love me?" He says. I don't answer. He nibbles on my ear. That causes me to moan but it was muffled because Soul's hand over mouth.

I heard a door open and Soul got.hit in the head. His face landed between my chest. He was then pushed off by a foot. I look up and see Maka with her hands on her hips.

"I guess I will have to explain huh?" I say with a nervous smiles. She grunts.

Hey! Oh my god. Sorry for not uploading for a while. Just that I have a new laptop all myself. I have been typing on this phone. And I still am. So. Still sorry for being distracted so much. Baii~

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