Chapter 27

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Hello! I'm bored with life. This chapter is all about you remixthedj! So yeah. You are the best internet friend ever. Also AleahDaWolf is here too~

~Remix's P.O.V~

"Vic!" I scream. He walks over to me.

"What do you want now!" He complains. I was calling him like 15 times.

"I don't know. But I love you~" I say. He just stares at me and walks away.

"You don't love me?~" I say jumping on his back. He sighs.

"Of course I do. You are my girlfriend after all." He says. Since when was I his girlfriend? I mean I don't have any problem, but still. Since when?

"Just kidding. You're my sister from another mother." He says laughing.

"Fuck you Vic." I mumble walking back to the couch.

"Oh!" Vic exclaims. "Speaking of sisters, my sister Aleah is coming over." He says. I jump up. Me and Aleah were best friends when we were little.

"Yay!" I cheer.


Ding Dong~

"I'll get it!" Vic shouts running from upstairs. He opens the door and hugs Aleah. Aleah sees me and gasps.

"Remix? Is that you?!" She exclaims. I gasp at her. She's even more beautiful than before.

"Come here!" I say pulling her into a hug. We pull apart Aleah and walks to the couch. I follow her.

"Sorry for what I'm wearing. I just came back from my job." She apologizes.

"It's alright. I think Vic likes it." I say pointing at Vic who was drooling at his own sister. She slaps him in the face.

"Vic. You perv!" She yells. I laugh at them.

"Remix. Can I ask you something?" Aleah asks.

"Privately." She whispers. I nod in understandment.

"You stay here Vic. No eavesdropping." I say pointing at him. He nods and sighs disappointed.

"So Remix. I got a problem." Aleah says sitting on my bed.

"What is it?" I ask sitting next to her.

"Do you know Death The Kid?"


"Does he like anyone?"

"Yeah. It's (Y/N)."


"Do you know her?"

"No. I don't."

"Well (Y/N) lives with Soul- Wait, do you know Soul?"

"Of course I know him. We're best friends."

"Okay. Well they live with eachother and (Y/N) is having Soul's baby."


"Yeah. We don't know if it's a girl or boy yet."

"What about Kid?"

"Oh. He doesn't have a girlfriend."

"YES!" Aleah stops. Uh oh.

"THAT THING IS ASYMMETRICAL!!" She shouts running to my desk fixing it.

"Now it's symmetrical. You can relax now." She says. I sweatdrop.

"This girl really reminds me of Kid." I think.

"Did Kid ever, you know, do it with anyone?"

"Not that I know of."

"So you don't know if he did or not?"

"Da Da Dada Da Da Dada Da Da Dada Da Da Da Da. Some legends are told. Sometimes it dusts up to gold. But you will remember me~ remember me for centuries~" Aleah's phone goes off. She answers it.

"Who is this?" "Oh hey Kid!" "Yeah I never thought you'd call." Aleah says on the phone going into the hallway.

~Aleah's P.O.V~

"So what's up Kid?"

"Nothing much. Just hanging out with Liz and Patti. What about you?"

"I'm at Remix's."

"Who's Remix?" I stand there.

"You don't know her? But she knows you."

"Sorry. I don't know anyone named Remix."

"Well Kid. Do you wanna come to my house tommorow and get to know each other more?"

"I would love that. How's 4? I get out at 4."

"Yeah. But where from?"

"The DWMA."

"The academy?"

"Yeah. My father's school."

"I go there too. Then I have work at 7."

"You go there!?" I he shouts.

"Yeah. You didn't know?"

"No!" I hear himself slap his head.

"Dumbass. Dumbass. Dumbass. Dumbass." He mumbles slapping himself more and more.

"You dope. Stop. You're going to die and break your head open."

"Yeah I die before my head breaks open." He says sarcastic.

"Yup." I say laughing.

"Hey Kid. I have a question."


"Do you like this (Y/N) girl?"

"Yeah. She's the most beautiful woman in the universe." He says dreamly. When he said that my heart broke into millions of pieces.

"Oh. Okay. Well. I gotta go. Bye." I say hanging up. I sit on the couch disappointed.

"Hey Aleah." Remix says coming downstairs.

"Hello." I say sad.

"Are you okay?" She asks sitting next to me.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm gonna go home. Bye." I say pretending to be happy. I leave ans breathe relived.

"That damn (Y/N). Steeling my Kid from me." I say mad walking to my house were I live with Alan Ashby.


Yay! I'm gonna be in the next chapter! Tell me of which of my children I should be partners with. I'm gonna be a weapon.

Death Parade
Jonjo Romantica
Naruto Shippuden
Tokyo Ghoul
Fairy Tail
Fullmetal Alchemist
Soul Eater
Kuroshitsuji: Book Of Circus
Kuroshitsuji II
Soul Eater Not!
Sword Art Online
The Devil's A Part-Timer
Blue Exorcist

Is that all I watch? I feel like there's more. Well. Anime related. There's supernatural. And cartoon network shows.

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