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should i make a sway one shot book? i might after i finish one of my fanfics, or before that. we'll see, but would y'all read it is my question?

Josh's PoV:

Jaden is hot. Wait, No. That's gay. I'm straight, I'm not gay. I snapped out of my thoughts as Bryce pulled into the school parking lot. I saw Jaden and Anthony walking into the school talking and laughing. I admired Jaden before Tayler snapped his fingers in my face. "Dude?! Are you listening?!" Tayler asked as I came back into reality. "What? I- uh-," I said frantically looking around. "What girl are you even staring at? There's no pretty girls around." Tayler asked. Girl? More like guy. "No one, just thinking about the math homework I didn't do." I lied straight through my teeth. "Ok then, party at my house. Friday night. You gonna get with Nessa?" Bryce smirked. "Hell yeah." I replied. It would take my mind off of thinking of such sinful thoughts. Getting with a pretty girl will prove I'm straight. What am I saying? I'm 100% straight. I got out of the car and met up with the rest of my friends. I was in front, as always, with Tayler, Bryce, Nessa, Mads, Quinton, Griffin and Kio behind me. As we walked through the halls Jaden and Anthony were standing at Jaden's locker. What? I know where his locker is, no big deal. He didn't even look at me, it made me angry. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him into the lockers. "Hey princess." I whispered seductively. What the fuck am I saying?! He looked up at me with big blue eyes you could get lost in- I have to stop. I punched him in the gut and he toppled over, clutching his stomach. I kneed him in the face and smirked. Anthony dropped to his knees and pulled the younger boy into his lap and hugged him close. I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me. I wanted to kill Anthony for touching what's mine. Fuck. I've gotta stop. Bryce noticed me breathing heavily while watching Anthony cradle Jaden. "Bro, you good?" He asked. I turned to look at him and nodded. I walked out of the school, not bothered to stay. "You want us to come with?" Tayler asked. "No, I need to be alone." I replied trying to control my anger. I turned to look at Anthony and Jaden as Anthony carried the fragile boy, bridal style, most likely out to his car. I sighed and walked home. "Hey baby, what are you doing home so early?" My mom asked sweetly. She was cleaning the kitchen when I walked in. I closed the door and slid down it. My mom rushed over to my side. "What's wrong?" She asked pushing the hair out of my eyes. "I think I like someone." I said putting my head in my hands. "Who is she? Is she pretty?" So many questions. "There's a twist." I said as my eyes filled with tears. "Is she taken? Sweetie, tell me who she is." She said softly, putting her arms around me. "It's not a s-she." I stuttered as a tear made it's way down my cheek. "I still don't get it, you're gonna have to explain some more." She said wiping the tears off my face. "I think I like a boy, Mom." I couldn't read her face, I had no idea how she would react. "Please d-don't hate me." I said, beginning to cry more. She surprised me, she engulfed me in a hug and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Honey, love is love. I don't care who you like, you're still my beautiful boy. I love and support you no matter what." She was crying with me. "Dad, will kill me. He says people who like the same gender are sinners." I said sadly. "Don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he's talking about." My mom said letting me stand up. "Sooo, what's this boys name?" She said leaning her elbows on the counter. "His name is Jaden Hossler." I said sitting on the barstools across from my mom. "Do you have a picture of him?" She asked handing me a mug of tea. I pulled out my phone and went on his instagram. "This is him." I showed her a picture of Jaden. "Ooo, he's cute. You should invite him over for dinner sometime." My mom said sipping her tea. "I can't." I sighed. "Why not?" She asked. "Because I kind of hurt him, like physically." I replied looking down. She smacked the back of my head and scowled at me. "Josh Richards I'm about to beat your ass!" She yelled. "If you like him, why do you hurt him?" She asked. "I don't know, I guess because my friends do." I shrugged. "I knew they were a bad influence on you." She said angrily. "Mom, chill. I think I'm going to get some Dunkin, you want anything?" I asked her grabbing my keys. "No, I'm good." I kissed her cheek and left. When I got to Dunkin I saw Jaden and Anthony in a booth laughing because Jaden got whipped cream on his nose. I thought it was pretty cute. I went inside and ordered my usual. I got my drink and walked up to them. "What do we have here?" I said standing in front of the table. Jaden whimpered and backed into the corner. "Fuck off Josh." Anthony said coldly. I rolled my eyes and walked over to a girl standing by the trash bins. We talked for a while but I didn't ask for her number. Before I left I grabbed a napkin and scribbled a note on it.

To Princess,
meet at the park at 10pm ;)

As I was walking to the door I handed Jaden the napkin. I looked through the window as I was getting in my car and winked at him. I wonder if he'll actually show.

two updates in one day, very rare😌 but i hope you enjoyed💕

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