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⚠️mentions of suicide and offensive words⚠️
Jaden's PoV:

As I walked through the hallways of Baxter High students were giving me weird looks. I kept my head down, not making eye contact with anyone. I crashed into someone and dropped my books. I looked up to be met with beautiful blue eyes. Josh Richards. I gulped and let out a shaky breath. "S-sorry." I mumbled attempting to walk past him. "Hold up." He grabbed me and slammed me into the lockers. No one was around, just us and his friends. He smirked at me as I backed up even further against the locker. "I'm getting tired of seeing you around, just fuck off and kill yourself." My eyes filled with tears, threatening to spill. "Aww, look at the fag. He's crying." Bryce laughed along with the rest of their group. Josh punched me as his gang joined in. I heard someone yell to stop. I looked up at my best friend, Anthony Reeves. "Listen Richards, just piss off. Nobody asked what you thought of Jaden, so do us all a favor and fuck off!" Anthony yelled at them and dropped onto his knees next to me. Josh scoffed and walked off, followed by his posse. "Jay, are you ok?" Anthony asked softly. I shook my head and clung to his hoodie. He scooped me up and carried me out to his car. "Let's just skip and go to your house." He said placing me in the passenger seat. I noticed Josh and a few of his friends exiting the school. I brought my knees up to my chest as Josh made eye contact with me. He looked away and continued talking to his friends. "Wanna go to Dunkin first?" Anthony asked. I nodded as he drove to the Dunkin closet to my house. We ordered two cold brews with caramel and whole milk. We drove to the park and sat on the swings as we drank our drinks. I probably looked like Anthony's younger brother who he was taking to the park, I'm 5'7 so I'm pretty short. I was roughly pushed off the swing from behind, spilling a little bit of my iced coffee. I looked up to see Josh standing there wearing that same smirk. "What the fuck?!" Anthony said helping me up. "What?" Josh asked innocently. Bryce and Tayler snickered behind him. "Ant, it's fine let's just go." I tried pulling him away but he shrugged my arm off. "What do you want?" Anthony asked Josh with a disgusted look. "Didn't come for you, came for that faggot over there." He pointed to me. I looked down and played with my thumbs. "Just fuck off, Josh. No one asked you to be here." Anthony said rudely. Bryce and Tayler grabbed Anthony and held his arms behind his back. Josh started walking up to me. I backed up against a wall. He put both arms on either side of my head, trapping me. I whimpered as he brought his face closer to me. He leaned down to my ear. I could feel his hot breath against my neck. "I love the affect I have on you, baby boy." He whispered in my ear causing me to shiver beneath him. I looked away trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. He turned my head back around to face him. "Don't turn away when I'm speaking." He growled. I tried pushing myself further up the wall. He let out a breathy laugh and punched me in the gut. I dropped to my knees and he kicked me. I landed face first into the concrete. "Let's go guys." Josh said as Tayler and Bryce let Anthony go. He quickly ran over to me and helped me up. "Are you ok?!" He said slinging my arm over his shoulder and helping me to his car. I groaned and rubbed my temple as he drove back to my house. Thankfully my dad wasn't home, he would've made my injuries much worse. Anthony helped me to my room. He bandaged me up and cleaned the dried blood off. His mom called and asked him to come home. Anthony kissed my temple and left. I decided to sleep for a while. I woke up to the front door being slammed shut. My father. I gulped and walked downstairs. "Where's my dinner, fag?" He asked, drunk out of his mind. I could smell the alcohol off of him. "S-sorry, I-I was out with A-Anthony." I stammered walking over to the kitchen. He harshly grabbed me and threw me on the ground. I winced as I hit the cold tile. "It's too late now, looks like you'll have to pay." He said as he took off his belt. He hit me with the belt multiple times before punching me. I waited until he was passed out on the couch before leaving the house. I pulled my hood over my head and walked towards the bridge in the park, my favorite spot. I sat on the edge watching the water beneath me. I made my way over to the swings and realized my Dunkin cup was still there. I picked it up and threw it in the trash. I turned the corner to be met face to face with Josh Richards. He scanned my face, admiring his work. "What're you doing here?" He asked coldly. I ignored him and pushed past him. "I asked you a fucking question, answer me." I froze and turned around. "I-I needed to get o-out of my h-house." I need to stop stuttering around people. "Or you followed me here because you're in love with me." I scoffed and laughed at his stupid theory. "Don't flatter yourself, I would never fall in love with someone like you." He pinned me to the wall. "Wanna bet?" He whispered sending tingles down my back. I shoved him off me and continued walking to the swings. He followed me and kicked my shin causing me to fall over. I whimpered and stood up carefully, accidentally lifting up my shirt. I don't know if my mind was playing tricks on me or Josh was staring at my chest. Probably thinking about where to punch me next. He walked closer to me. "Please don't hurt me." I said pulling my knees up to my chest. "I'm not gonna hurt you, yet." He said sitting on the swing next to me. I moved further away from him but he pulled me back. "Relax, princess." He said softly. Princess? "Why do you do it?" I asked sadly. "Do what?" He turned to face me and gave me a confused look. "Beat me until I'm unconscious just because I'm gay." I sighed and looked down at my lap. "I was raised to think being gay is a sin, blame my parents, not me." He said swinging softly. "It still doesn't explain why you feel the need to hurt me." I said looking into his eyes. "You're vulnerable, an easy target, plus it's in my nature." He replied. In his nature? What the fuck does that mean? I gave him a weird look which he just rolled his eyes at. My phone buzzed with a call from my dad. I gulped and pressed answer. "H-hello?" I said nervously. "Where the fuck are you?! You better not be out with some faggot!" He yelled making me flinch. "N-no I'm at the p-park alone." I replied shakily. "You better be home in the next five minutes or you'll regret it." He ended the call. I put my phone in my pocket and stood up. "I h-have to go." I said to Josh wiping my eyes which were beginning to tear up. "I'll walk you home." He said with a smile. "Aren't you worried your friends would see you with the faggot?" I said coldly. He rolled his eyes as I walked to the park entrance. He walked me up to my front porch. "Bye princess." He said with a smirk. I scoffed and walked inside.

hope you enjoyed the first part

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