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𝐈'm back again, yeah no one cares lol. but n e wayz i hope you enjoyed and tysm for 160 followers also i'm on vacation rn so i'll be updating a little less

Josh's PoV:

"Good morning boys, sleep well?" My father asked, lowering his newspaper slightly. "Mhm." I mumbled. I slept very well, knowing my baby was safe and in my arms. I didn't realize I was smiling until my dad pointed it out. "So, when does football practice start up again?" My dad asked as my mom handed everyone their plates. "Monday, I think." Tayler replied. My father nodded before going back to his newspaper. I didn't listen to the conversation after that, just thought about Jaden. He will be mine someday. Hopefully. "Well, you better get going. But put your dishes in the sink." My mom said as we finished eating. On the way to school Tayler and Bryce decided to park in some parking lot. "I swear to god if you hurt Jaden today I will kill you myself." Bryce said as they both turned to me. "I'm going to try not to, but I can't promise that I won't touch him." I said smirking evilly. "Remember, he's smaller than you. And weaker." Tayler reminded me. I glared at him. "Don't talk bad about my Princess, and if you touch him you might wanna start running." I said clenching my jaw. "Josh's little Princess, I like it." Bryce laughed along with Tayler. I scowled and looked out the window. As I was walking through the schools hall I was pulled into the janitors closet. "What the-," I was cut off by someone putting their fingers over my lips. "Nessa?" I whispered, my eyes finally adjusting to the dark. "Just listen to me, don't interrupt. I know you like Jaden-," I blushed and cut her off. "What? No I don't." I lied. "Save it, I see the looks you give him. All you want to do is pin him to the lockers and-," I cut her off again. "Anyways, you like him." I sighed and nodded. "I kinda think I like Mads." She admitted, playing with her fingers. "Wait, really? Nessa that's amazing!" I whisper yelled. "But I want to make a deal." She said. I narrowed my eyes and gestured for her to continue. "We should fake date, to make them jealous." I went wide eyed. "Nessa, I'm gay!" I said a little too loud. "Oh, I figured you'd be bisexual." She said making me scoff. "Don't assume my sexuality by the way I look." I said rudely. "Sorry." She said shyly. I nodded and smiled softly. "But will you do it?" She asked with hopeful eyes. "I will, but only for a little while." I replied. She squealed and hugged me. "Also I'm so so so sorry for assuming that you were bisexual, but now I know that you're only into guys." She said with a huge grin. I rolled my eyes at her and laughed. We both came out of the closet (see what i did there😈) and walked into the hallways. I took her hand and we walked to her locker. Tayler and Bryce looked hella confused, and extremely angry. Jaden looked sad but jealous. Mads looked pissed, looks like Nessa's plan is working. I said bye to Nessa as she walked to her locker. "Josh, what the actual fuck? One minute you're gay then the next you're not?!" Bryce yelled as everyone went to their classes. I shrugged and tried to walk off. Tayler pushed me back against the lockers. "What about Jaden? He looked really upset." Tayler reminded me. "I don't care." That was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I need Jaden, but Nessa has a good plan. Should I just tell them? No, it has to be believable. "I guess I just went through a phase where I thought I like guys, but I'm straight." I lied, again. "Right then, let's just get to class." Tayler said as him and Bryce walked off. I don't think they believe me.

Jaden's PoV:

Why am I even jealous? He's straight. He'd obviously go for Nessa, why did I ever think he'd go for me. Anthony was talking about something, but I wasn't even listening. "But yeah, Jay did you even hear a word I said?" Anthony stopped walking as he noticed I had zoned out. "Huh, no I was thinking." I replied, looking up at him. I had to, he was taller than me. A lot of people are. "What're you thinking about?" He asked. "Doesn't matter." I mumbled, playing with my hair. "Just tell me." He whined. "No, you'll laugh at me." I said, each word getting quieter. "I promise I won't." He replied, holding out his pinky. "Pinky swear?" I said linking my pinky with his. "Let's go to an empty classroom." I dragged him all the way to the music room. "Now what is it?" He asked impatiently. "I think I like someone." I whispered. "Who is he?" Anthony asked. "Josh." I mumbled. His face morphed into a shocked expression. "Jaden he bullies you! And he's dating Nessa!" Anthony whisper yelled. "I know, but I can't help it. He calls me Princess." I said quietly. "I really don't care who you like, but Josh? Really? The straightest person you could ever meet?" Anthony asked in disbelief. "It's not my fault, he's hot." I replied shyly. "Jay, you shouldn't be falling for him. But it's your decision." Anthony said, giving me a quick hug before walking back to class. "Don't you think I know that." I mumbled before deciding to just skip school. I walked to my favorite place, the park. I played subway surfers on my phone for a while. I heard footsteps walking towards me. I ducked down behind the wall I was leaning against. Two people were standing on the other side of the wall. "Is it working?" I heard Nessa ask someone. "I think so, I also didn't tell anyone. Not even Tayler and Bryce." Josh fucking Richards said back. "I didn't tell anyone either." Nessa said back. "How long does this have to go on for?" Josh sighed. "Let's give it a week or two and see from there." Nessa replied. I heard their voices fading as they walked away. What were they talking about?

ty for 1k reads, never thought this would even get 10 reads🤧 i was on a plane when i saw it so the other passengers probably thought i was crazy. but ty all sm ily💕

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