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I just watched Josh's new vlog and him and Jaden kissed. well i think. but i got a screenshot so imma use it in the future😌 the picture is above

⚠️offensive slurs⚠️

Jaden's PoV:

Josh just choked me and called me his princess. Why am I kinda turned on? Fuck. Shit. Shit. Shit! I DONT like him, do I? No. No. No. I can't like him, but I do. I'm screwed. As I was arguing with my mind, Anthony walked over. "Hey Jay, you alright?" He asked, noticing how I was leaned back against the lockers. "Ok then, I'll see you after class." He walked away towards his first class. Once I collected myself I did the same. Unfortunately Anthony wasn't in any of my classes except math, my last class. What's even worse is that Josh is in every single one of my classes. I groaned and opened the door. "Hossler, you're late! Detention after school!" Mrs Jenson yelled at me. I sighed and looked around the class. Josh shoved a poor kid off of the seat next to him. "Here Jaden, this seats open." He smirked as the kid got up and took his things. I gulped and hesitantly walked over. I moved to the edge of my seat trying to stay away from him. He roughly pulled me closer. "Don't move." He growled making the people in front of us look back. During class I felt Josh place his hand on my thigh. I yelped out of shock making the whole class look over at me. "Mr Hossler, I'm trying to teach here. Do you mind?" The teacher scolded pointing a finger at me. "Actually Miss, it's rude to point at people." Josh said as Tayler and Griffin snickered at his remark. "Richards! Detention for you after school. Looks like you and Jaden will have great fun." The teacher yelled at Josh. "Oh we will, Princess. We definitely will." He said placing his hand back on my thigh. As the school day drew closer to the end I grew more nervous. Detention with Josh would be a nightmare. Hopefully some other students would be there. I walked into the classroom to see Josh smirking at me, there was no one else in the room except the teacher. Great.  Josh was in the back of the room so I sat in the front. "Alright boys, behave. Don't cause mischief or anything, I'm gonna be down the hall." The teacher said exiting the room. I heard Josh get his things and move closer to me. "Hey, Baby Boy." He said sitting next to me. I ignored him and continued doing my homework. "Ignoring me isn't gonna help you." He said grabbing my pencil and throwing it away. "Can you p-please just leave me alone?" I mumbled softly, bringing my knees up to my chest. "And w-why do you keep calling me B-Baby Boy or Princess?" I asked resting my head on my knee. "Because I feel like it, Princess." He replied with an evil smirk. He grabbed his bag and mine before grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the class. "W-where are we going?" I stammered stupidly. "Away from this hellhole." He continued to drag me all the way out to his car. When he opened the car door his friends walked up. "Josh, where are you taking him?" Nessa said looking at me with a disgusted look. "I'm taking him to the alleyway, he needs to be taught a lesson." My face dropped. When none of them were looking I bolted. "Hey! Get back here you fag!" Mads said as they quickly speeded after me. I was yanked backwards by an unknown person. I turned around to be met with a person way taller than me. "This is Thomas, the newest member to our squad." Thomas smirked and lifted me up by the collar of my shirt. I was shaking as he balled his hand into a fist. As he was about to punch me a lady who looked similar to Josh stormed up to them. "Put him down this instant! Josh Richards you better not have anything to do with this!" Thomas dropped me instantly. I fell into a heap on the hard concrete. The lady rushed over to me. "Are you ok?! Look at me." I looked up to her and she smiled. "Jaden, right?" I nodded softly and brought my knees up to my chest. "Well, off you go! The lot of you!" They all scurried away looking scared. "Not you, Josh. Or Bryce and Tayler!" The three of them stood silently behind her as she checked me making sure I wasn't hurt. She helped me onto my feet and hugged me. "Thank you." I whispered and began walking away. I looked around to see her grabbing Josh by his ear and muttering a stream of curse words at him while Tayler and Bryce followed.

Josh's PoV:

"I am so disappointed in the three of you, especially you Josh! If you like the boy why just stand there and watch as that other kid tortured him?!" My mom screamed as she started the car. "It wasn't my intentions, I snuck us out of detention to bring him to the par-," My mom cut me off. "What?! Detention! Josh you are in a whole load of trouble, you can forget about that party later!" She yelled making me groan. "But mom!" I whined. She gave me that look saying not to push her buttons any further. I sunk back into my seat and folded my arms. "I'm sure the situation will be the same for you two once your parents find out about this." She said glaring at Tayler and Bryce through the mirror. She drove Bryce and Tayler back to their houses and told their parents about what happened. "Josh, why?" My mom asked softly. "Why what?" I asked leaning my head on the window. "Why did you just watch, if you liked him as much as you say you do you would've helped him." My Mom sighed. "Because of my friends Mom, and dad. You know dad would kill me if he found out his son is gay, you know he would." I said wiping my eyes gently. "But you call him Princess when it's just you, Bryce and Tayler around." She said smirking evilly. "H-how do you know that I call him Princess?" I asked, a blush rising to my cheeks. "I heard you three talking this morning, what else do you call him?" She asked innocently. "Doesn't matter." I mumbled feeling myself blush even more. "He's a cute one too, his eyes are really pretty." She said with a genuine smile. "Don't you think I know? His eyes are my favorite part about him, bright blue eyes that light up when he smiles. N-not that I watch him or a-anything!" I stuttered stopping myself before I went into too much detail. My mom chuckled slightly. "You're still grounded, but I won't tell dad." She said as she pulled into the driveway. "What about the party?" I asked, hopeful that she would consider me going. "You're not going to that, not a chance." She said grabbing her bag and walking inside. I groaned and followed her inside.

i just realized all my fanfics are either bxb or gxg, except my charli x chase one🙊 n e wayz hope you enjoyed🥰 also i have no idea how a detention works, never gotten one lmao

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