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so if you didn't know i did break my arm, bc i'm a dumb bitch, so this is probably gonna be kinda short😔 really sorry💕

Josh's PoV:

I laid face down on my bed. It was the day of the party. Bryce and Tayler were playing video games, screaming at one another constantly. I was thinking about Jaden. That name. It brings butterflies to my stomach. I sighed dreamily making Bryce and Tayler give me weird looks. "Bro, who ya thinking about?" Bryce asked pausing their game. "No one." I replied turning my head to the other side to hide my blush. "Is Josh Richards really blushing? Dang, this girl must be special." Tayler said, him and Bryce moving to where my head was facing. "They are." I sighed, mentally face palming at the word 'girl'. "Sooo, who is she?" Bryce asked eagerly. "I'm not telling youuu." I said dragging out the 'u'. "Fine then, but I have a question." Tayler sighed. "Hm?" I hummed sitting up with my legs crossed. "Do you guys hate bullying Jaden? I always feel so bad." Tayler asked with a guilty expression. "Me too, I always feel terrible seeing his small helpless body on the floor." Bryce replied with a sad look. "Yeah, it hurts. I don't want to hurt him, but I like seeing him trembling beneath me when I call him princess-," I cut myself off, realizing I had already said too much. "You call him princess? Um, why?" Bryce asked giving Tayler a confused look. Tayler looked deep in thought before his mouth turned to an 'o' shape. "It's Jaden, isn't it?" He asked with raised eyebrows. "W-what's Jaden?" I stammered avoiding all form of eye contact. Bryce looked super confused. "You like Jaden, don't you?" Bryce's eyes went wide as he came to realization. "Pfft, what makes you think that?" I said with a fake laugh. Tayler pursed his lips. I groaned and face planted into the pillow. "Yes, please don't hate me." I said lying on my back. "Why would we hate you?" Bryce asked softly. "Because we bully Jaden for his sexuality, so I figured you'd hate me if I like boys too." I mumbled as Tayler and Bryce hugged me. "We don't care who you like, plus we only bullied Jaden because you did." Tayler replied letting me go. "But what are you? If you don't mind us asking." Bryce asked. "I don't exactly know, but thinking back on everything I don't think I've ever had true feelings for a girl. So I don't think I'm bi, so I'm gay? But I've never had feelings for another guy other than Jaden, so I'm Jadensexual?" I ranted. "You're most likely gay, but, who knows? You'll figure it out eventually." Tayler said placing a hand on my shoulder. "So you're not gonna get with Nessa later?" Bryce asked as Tayler slapped the back of his head. "No, you dumb fuck." Tayler said as Bryce rubbed the back of his head. "But you could get with Jaden." Tayler said wiggling his eyebrows. "You know he hates me, right?" I said as my mom barged in. "It's time for school, make sure to do what I told you to do. No hurting that boy you're in love with." My mom said giggling. "Mom!" I blushed as Tayler and Bryce laughed. They all looked at each other before chanting like lunatics. "Josh likes Jaden!" They all repeated before my dad walked in. "What's all this 'Josh likes Jaden' crap? Who's she?" My dad asked as he leaned against the door frame. "No one, honey." My mom assured him. "Ok then." He sighed and walked away. "Well, we better get to school." Tayler said grabbing our bags. "Bye Mom." I kissed her cheek and we left. As we got into school I saw Jaden grabbing things out of his locker. I looked around for any teachers before slamming him into the lockers. Tayler gave me a look. I shook my head and turned back around to Jaden. "Hey, Pretty Boy. How's my Princess doing today?" I whispered, putting a hand around his neck. I choked him and watched as he whimpered at my touch. "You like that, don't you?" I felt him shiver. I let him go and watched him fall back against the lockers. I smirked and walked away. "That was, interesting?" Tayler said as we walked down the hallways. "Not as interesting as it was for me." I replied. I could see the rest of our friends walking down the hall towards us. Great.

uhh chile... anyways... hope you enjoyed😳

word count: 769 words (hehe)

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