Tut tut

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Louisa's p.o.v

Breathing in and out I do the one type of exercise I hate..... push ups, my arms can barely hold my own weight, so push ups are basically a waste of time. Even though I zone out while trying to work out.... I think I hear Mikey in the make-shift lab. Standing up I walk over to the door and peek out seeing him right there with Ice Cream Kitty. He's humming as he's grabbing random stuff, that's when I realize that he's close to the retro-mutagen. My eyes widen as I walk up to him asking "what do you think you're doing?!" He looks at me shocked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you stay up to keep an eye on us... but I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I came in here to experiment. What do you think so far??" Mikey asks me as he grabs a fully eaten apple, fish skeleton, and a slice of pizza. Before I could stop him he sets them in a tube of liquid he's been messing with, so I lowly growl. "Mikey, stop this before you mess something up!" I whisper yell at him angered. He looks at me and says "tut tut, I can't have you throwing off my flow of intelligence.." he smirks as he tied me up in his nunchucks.

Before I could yell at him he grabs my sleeping mask and sets it over my mouth, I could only get muffled out screams from this. I huff in defeat, so he continued to talk in that weird accent towards Ice Cream Kitty. Donnie and Baxter are wiping the sleep out of their eyes as they walk towards this room. When they realized what was happening I struggle in the chains and try to talk to them to gain their attention. "Mikey..." Baxter starts out as Donnie yells right after "have you lost your shell?!" I flinched at the yell though.

"Pish Posh and tut tut, my good man!" Mikey answers as Baxter comes to untie me, so Baxter says "we've been brewing that retro-mutagen for months." "Oh, if you ruined it, I swear I'm-" "hold on, my dudes, I got this" Mikey answers as Baxter helps me up. We run over to stop him from tainting the retro-mutagen, but he was just so persistent. Once a drop is over the retro-mutagen three out of the four of us watch in fear as it falls. It splashed into the retro-mutagen... but it didn't do anything, so the smart ones sigh in relief.

'Why do I feel like that's gonna react weirdly?-' the retro-mutagen is beginning to bubble "is bubbling good??" I ask in fear as it starts glowing. My eyes widen as Baxter says "no, no bubbling is not good!" "Oh no, Mikey!" Donnie says scared. The retro-mutagen begins to overflow from the beaker, so we all start screaming in fear. It got so powerful that it shot us back into the wall, Donnie and I gasp as we watch the beaker in fear. It's still overflowing as Donnie and Baxter yell out "it's gonna explode!" Donnie and Mikey hugged as Baxter and I hugged scared.

We're all just shuddering in fear as we hug the person next to us, but I put my head in Baxter's shoulder as I say "I love you guys!" But nothing happened. Looking up we see that it stopped acting so weird, so I sigh in relief from knowing we're alive. Ice Cream Kitty meow was the first thing to break the silence "aw well.. that was weak" Mikey was the first to say. Donnie tackled Mikey out of anger, which got Baxter to realize he could do that with Donnie. He let go of me as they both start fighting like immature children, so I try to break them up.

"Guys, quit it!" I yell out as I try to stay in the middle, but realize that I could only get one of them away from the other. Barely holding Baxter back I finally growl and say "you asked for it" and I swiped his feet out from under him. Master Splinter also got the two bros to stop fighting "what is going on here??" He asks while looking my way. "Mikey decided to play scientist while you guys were sleeping, and messed with the retro-mutagen. So-" "since when did retro-mutagen start doing that??" April interrupted me, causing the boys to look at the beaker.

We start glaring at the other, ya know, our usual anger towards the other for no reason, but Baxter got up and started to examine the retro-mutagen. Turns out everyone is awake now from that outburst that we all had, but we're sitting in silence as we wait for Baxter to say something. "Wow! It's bonding rate is phenomenal!" Baxter says, so Donnie pushed him to the side saying "let me see." After a second he starts looking happy as he says "I can't believe it! This'll save us months of lab work." "Wait, let me see.. one small drop" Baxter says and puts a drop of it into the regular batch of mutagen.

"And we're able to transform an entire vile of mutagen into retro-mutagen!" Baxter and Donnie say together, so Donnie laughs happily as he picks me up. Then he started to twirl around a bit as Baxter says "Mikey, you're amazing!" Mikey has pizza and his action figure in hand. "I know" Mikey answers and smashes the two together "wow, did we step into some kinda alternate dimension here?" Raph asks shocked. Donnie finally set me down, hugging me in front of him as he looked at Mikey with his big smile. "Okay, what kind of chemicals did you use create the rapid cellular bonding??" Donnie asks happily.

I turn around in Donnie's hold, so he sets his head on top of mine as we look at Mikey, but he answers with "uh... I think I added a bunch of stuff. Like uranate, anolite, uh.. moronic acid, and some, uh.. garlic-cappuccino pizza?" I tried not to laugh at that. "Nope, same dimension" Raph answers with a deadpanned face, so I chuckled a little from that. "Are you kidding me?" Baxter asks sounding defeated, so Donnie sets me down to the side while standing by Baxter. "You do one awesome thing-" "and you can't even remember how you did it?!" Donnie started as Baxter joined in asking that.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


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