Team up!

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Louisa's p.o.v

"Louisa Pulsifer! You're still alive?! This just makes it more fun!" Kraang Sub-Prime says as we fought, but he aimed for me more. I dodged or deflected, I couldn't land my own hit "so, I guess you figured out that we can track you by your powers. What're you gonna do?? Try and punch me with your weak little arms??" He holds me up by my wrist. "Let me go" I mumble angry, but he didn't hear me "what was that??" He asks and motions to hear me better. "Let me go!" I yell and used my screaming powers to make him fly back and let go of me during the process.

"Woah, now that's something I didn't know about!" Slash yells out, so I laugh a little saying "it's one that I don't use that often." Sub-Prime growls and says "you will not get the best of me!" Then he jumps towards me. "Look out!" Slash says and pulls me out of the way and starts fighting Kraang Sub-Prime again. As they fought I realized that he'd be good for now, so I go and help anyone else that needs it. I fought against Kraangbots until I heard Sub-Prime say "nobody messes with Kraang Sub-Prime."

Turning around to see he's going towards the launch button I gasp and freeze his foot in its place saying "not on my watch!" He growls at me. Then he smirks while looking at my ice protector that's on my shoulder, somehow finding a stray gun. "Woops!" He says with a lot of sarcasm as he shot at my ice protector, but it just reflected it away. I smirk and say "unbreakable ice, gotta love it" he growls and looks down at the ice around his foot. Easily kicking it down and smirks back at me "guess you forgot to make it for my anklet."

Easily he grabbed me by my wrist and threw me back towards a group of Kraang, I groan and stand up, but realize they threw their guns away. Starting to crowd me as they picked me up and raised me over their heads "Louisa Pulsifer's capture is the thing known as done. Now Kraang must get the one known as Louisa Pulsifer to get the thing known as blood." I struggle in their hold saying "let me go!" "Louisa!" Leatherhead yells, but the missile launching got my attention. "Help!" I scream out and continue to struggle "I'm coming!" Rockwell yells out as he floats after the Kraangbots that have me.

Instantly I am floating out of their hold, which got one of their attention "the one known as Louisa is the thing known as flying." I laugh a little as he sets me down behind him and makes the Kraangbots shoot themselves again. "Thanks" I say and he gives me a thumbs up "no problem" then we continue to fight. We got most of the Kraangbots down, but I stay by Pete knowing that something could happen. "The turtles got the missile! Yeah, this calls for a loaf" then he starts eating more bread, so I laugh a little.

Playfully elbowing him I say "anytime is a good time for a loaf when it come to you, Pete" he smiles happily, but I hear something moving. That's when I see Irma's head, my eyes widen as I push Pete away "look out!" I yell and my hair gets shot off a bit. My eyes widen as it aims for my head, but Slash blocked the shot with his shell and took the head down. I smile and look at Pete asking "you good?" He nods saying "yeah, thanks to you!" I smile and nod once. "How about you, Louisa?? Need to add another protector to the collection?" Slash asks worried.

I shake my head "no, he only cut my hair a bit" then he high fived me as we start to prepare ourselves for anymore Kraang attacks. Instantly I hear Mikey yell "booyakasha!" As Sub-Prime says "Kraang... retreat for now. Retreat!" Whatever Kraang was left started to run away, so I smile big and fist bump the air. "We did it!" I yell out happily, but the blimp comes down as Mikey says "Leatherhead!" And they hugged. "Louisa!" Donnie says happily and instantly hugs me, so I laugh a little "good to see you're good too, Don Don."

"Nice job back there, Pete - ah, too slow!" I hear Raph say, so I pull Donnie over to Slash saying "I told you he's changed, he just saved my life." Donnie looks up at Slash as Leo nods saying "yeah, I'm impressed, you stepped up and saved your teammate when they needed you the most. So did you, Louisa" I nod once, but Donnie gives Slash a thumbs up and goes to talk to Rockwell. "Ya know, he also saved me, Donnie" I whisper and smile at both of the brainiacs again, so they sigh. "Ya know, I think there's enough room for two mutant geniuses in this city, Rockwell" Donnie says nervously.

That made me look at Rockwell, waiting for him to answer "I concur, and your little friend here is amazing, she is a fighting machine." I look away bashful at his words "of course, warm-blooded mammals are still considered far more intelligent than inferior, cold-blooded, tiny-brained reptiles." That got both me and Donnie, but Rockwell laughed a little while playfully elbowing Donnie. I narrow my eyes at him and say "woops" and elbowed his side hard "guess it was a weird arm reflex." "Ow!.... it was worth it for that burn" Rockwell says while rubbing his arm as Donnie laughs a little.

"But I've told you I changed, Leonardo, I'm a different kind of turtle now" Slash says and they finally shake hands, so I smile big and jump on Leo's shell. "Finally! You made up, I was wondering if that would ever happen" I joke lightly. Slash is the first to playfully roll his eyes saying "alright, fellas, time to storm TCRI." Leo is next to say "we go to Dimension X, and save the citizens of New York" with that we start running. "Hey, sister.... care to join us to open the portal for the guys??" Slash asks as we're waiting on me.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


2012 TMNT Battle For New York (part 1 & 2) [including a new character]Where stories live. Discover now