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Louisa's p.o.v

Rockwell answers with "well then, clearly you'll have to-" "speak faster, boys" I answer with a sly smirk just to get on the monkey's nerves. He narrows his eyes at me as Donnie smiles and chuckles saying "oh, how I love you so." Then he hugs me from behind and rests his head on top of mine, so I laugh a little at Rockwell's reaction. Rockwell narrowed his eyes at us saying "tiny brained reptile! Rude little girl!" "You said it yourself, you just have to speak faster." All of us started arguing, but a cold chill goes down my spine, my eyes widen at this.

"All of you - SHUT UP!!" I yell over everyone somehow, gaining their attention I see that Kurtsman realized the exact same thing I just did. "Oh no! They found me!! I don't know how, but they found me!" Jack yelled out scared. We all look towards the noise of a garage door being punched through... by nothing but Kraang. "It is the one called the turtles, with the one known as Louisa, and the others calling themselves the Migty Mutanimals." "Get em!" Slash yells out and we all went towards to battle, when they stopped paying attention to me I went to a corner.

Breathing in and out I let my powers take over a bit as I see everything through an ocean blue tint, that's how I know I mean business. Running I realize that I have enhanced everything, speed, strength - but I easily took down Kraangbots. I even helped take down a few of the big ape-bots, knowing there's Kraang here already I skate up. Seeing bots shoot at Donnie I use my ice shards and stab them in their heads, which shocked Rockwell. "What, you think you're the only one that can fly without wings??" I ask smugly and go back to battle.

"She's awesome..." Donnie says dreamily, then we went back into battle, but that was when I got shot.... not by a Kraang, but by a certain pigeon. I screamed in pain as it got my leg, my ocean blue tint gone as I start spiralling down to the floor. From falling I landed next to Pete as we landed on Kraang "Louisa!" Donnie yells worried. I get picked up by feathery arms as they run a bit, I look down at my calf and hiss in pain a bit. Getting my hands powered up a bit I make an ice protector to make sure that no more blood comes out.

Glaring at Pete I say "I'll deal with you later" then I get my ocean blue tint back as Raph runs over to me, but we see butt cannon out and ready. "Watch out! He's got a hot one in the chamber!!" Raph yells out and tackles me out of the way. He looks down at my leg asking "are you okay??" I nod once and say "yeah, I'm good. Good and ready to fight!" I yell out and faintly hear Jack yell "the Kraang intel!" I look over at him. He was hiding, but he got out to grab something from his computer, but I see a laser heading his way.

"No!" I yell and skate over to him quickly, making an ice shield, but out of worrying I guess I didn't make it strong enough to not break. My shield broke and I got hit on my shoulder, I scream louder in pain as I finally fall down. Too much blood is wanting to leave my system, my arm is shaking as it messes with my powers. "No!" Leo and Donnie yell, but I hear Pete yell "little girl!" 'heh... guess he still doesn't know my name.' "Louisa!" Jack yells and picks me up, but he dived into hiding again before he got shot too.

"Is she okay?!" Leatherhead asks as he's by us, I didn't realize I closed my eyes until I opened them a bit saying "c-could be better." That's when I start powering up my other hand and set it over my hurt shoulder to make another ice protector. "Mutanimals, we're leaving!" "Ninjas, fall back!" Slash and Leo yell out after another. I'm guessing Leatherhead grabbed Jack as he's still holding me, but they're all retreating. All I did was listen to everyone talk, I didn't want to open my eyes since I felt a bit of pain in my shoulder and leg.

"Dang, their lasers are strong" I finally say as I get set onto something soft, but open my eyes to see Baxter looking over me worried. "Hermana, what happened out there?!" Baxter asked as he looks over my ice protectors. I smile big and sit up saying "you missed it, I was fighting Kraang left and right, when Pete accidentally shot me with a Kraang gun. So I made this ice protector to make sure no blood comes out, then I saved Jack from getting shot too. Turns out I didn't make a strong enough shield to make sure I wouldn't get shot again though."

Raph looks at me like I'm crazy saying "how are you not hurt right now?!" I playfully roll my eyes saying "of course I'm hurt, Raph, but I'm not close to dead hurt. I'm not bleeding out, my ice is making sure that I won't! So I'm ready to get back in the battlefield." Leo laughed saying "Rocksteady was right, you don't know when to give up." I smile and laugh a little saying "you say that like it's bad thing" "Louisa, I think you should stay." Mikey's words got to me as I look at the group saying "what?! But I can still fight! And you need me."

Jack even says "not to mention she can help out a lot, not just with her powers, but it also helps her strength out a bit without using her powers. You've seen her in action, she needs to go with you" I nod once saying "he gets it, I'm good, guys. Trust me" Jack then says "all the intel I have on this Kraang missile is on this drive" as he holds out the drive. I stand up saying "we have to work together!" Leo then says "I don't think that's a good idea. Louisa going back out, or working together" Slash just says "we agree on that much."


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


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