Crazy planning

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Louisa's p.o.v

Donnie turns around saying "guys, look!" Leo grabbed his telescope saying "this just keeps on getting worse, and worse, and worse!" So I let Mikey have this one. "Let me guess, the humans that got Kraangatized have been turned into servants, and are mining energy crystals for the Kraang." I smile and nod my head as Leo says "Mikey, you never cease to amaze me" I roll my eyes at that. "I'm sweet like that, dude" Mikey brags, so I laugh a little saying "no, we just know the Kraang and Dimension X a lot." "So we figure out a way to turn the humans back" Raph starts off "and then the Mutanimals figure out a way to bring us all home."

Leo stands back up saying "it doesn't seem possible" so I say "if anyone can do it, it's the Mutanimals, the Mighty Mutanimals. There's a reason why they added 'Mighty' to their name, Leo" then we start noticing what we're dealing with. Leo is the one looking through his telescope as I'm looking around with my bare eyes. "It looks like the Kraang have human hybrids on those three islands" Leo informs the team. Raph says "those islands are huge, man! I mean, how are we gonna turn all those mutants back into people?!" His attitude made me roll my eyes.

Donnie just says "you forget, Raph, we just need to find a massive amount of mutagen and convert it into retro-mutagen with this." Then he held out his retro-mutagen, so Raph wasn't all that pleased with our planning here. "Oh, is that all? A massive amount of mutagen, let me just milk a few thousand Kraang worms. Mikey got our attention as he says "I bet that thing has a ton of mutagen" we look up to see a technodrome. I couldn't help but smile at Mikey's planning and smirk a bit "a technodrome?" Leo asks annoyed.

I nod once as Mikey says "don't say it, I know, I'm a genius" that wasn't what Leo was gonna say though "I was gonna say you're crazy. Steal a technodrome?!" Raph's next to say "and how would we even get there? The blimp's a wreck." Donnie then contributes saying "or we could borrow one of those stealth ships parked over there. Just saying" we look over at the ships and I smile big from seeing that and rub my hands together. Raph just says "this is so crazy I'm starting to like this plan" so I nod and stand by Mikey.

"If we're doing this, you have to stay quiet, and keep close, we're basically in Mikey and Louisa territory, and in over our heads with this plan. Don't do anything that we don't approve of, got it??" I ask and glare at Leo mostly for this. Mikey also looks back at Leo, which got him to groan and cross his arms as he looked at the ground. I smile softly and say "I'm not trying to test you, Leo, I'm just trying to keep an eye on all of us. Okay?" He nods and Donnie gives us a thumbs up, so we finally start trying to jump over towards the stealth ships.

Once we jumped, but we went up instead, so as they screamed a bit I was laughing quietly until we came in from under the land and landed perfectly. We get on the crystal tree and look at the closest stealth ship, so Leo says "okay team, when I give the signal-" Mikey interrupted. "It'll be caw caw! Caw Caw! And then we'll sneak inside the ship" Mikey says, but something got our attention. "That sounds like a great idea!" Kraang Sub-Prime says as he flies down to the ground by us. "Not this guy again" Donnie complains as I narrow my eyes at him "that's right mutant freaks!" Sub-Prime yelled.

He showed us his regular form of his robot as he glares at us "Kraang Sub-Prime returns!" He's flexing, so I tried not to gag at that. "Dude, I didn't even know Kraang had muscles!" I say disgusted as Sub-Prime continues. "I bet you like that, don'tcha? Yeah, you like that, now come quietly, or I vaporize ya" he finished. I distracted him so Mikey could do the real job, throwing a few crystals to gain his attention he obviously dodged. Mikey got some crystals by Sub-Prime's feet, so he looks back at us after we were finished.

"Ha! You missed" Sub-Prime gloats, so I smirk and look down at the crystals, Mikey just smirked, so Sub-Prime finally looks down at the crystals. I let Mikey do his thing with his sound effects and the crystals exploded, causing Sub-Prime to fly back. "You did it, guys!" Raph says to me and Mikey, so I smile big saying "that's just how we roll." We finally got into the stealth ship, it's so dark in here, but Mikey says "get this thing moving, D!" "Please" I add for Mikey. Donnie ignored my word and says "I'm starting it, I'm starting it! So I playfully roll my eyes.

"So you really know how to fly this thing??" Leo asks Donnie confused "um, sort of.. I kind of did it before... not exactly" Donnie answers. Raph just complains "just get this bird in the air already!" But he went sideways and made us fall. "Forwards might be nice" Raph complained again, so we all stand up, but I crack my knuckles. "Let me take a crack at it" I joke and move Donnie to the side, instantly tapping away at the controls. We're now up in the air as I'm also watching where I'm steering "aw man, I wanted to fly it."

Mikey starts complaining a bit, but realized that he should let me drive since he'd still probably try to drive recklessly, this seems too easy. As I'm still driving Raph asks "so, what're we gonna do when we reach the technodrome?" I stick my tongue out in concentration. "Anyone thought that far ahead??" Raph asks again, so Donnie answers "um, not really." As I'm driving something caught my attention "uh, guys!" I yell out as Leo continues saying "I think we've got bigger badder problems." My eyes widen, but Raph says "uh, MIkey? Louisa??" So we answer "I've never seen that thing before."


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


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