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Louisa's p.o.v

That got me so mad as I just say "okay, stuff happened, so what?! The world is depending on us working together, and you can't even do that?!" Jack nods once. "You both have a common purpose, we're running out of time!" Jack yells at the two. "We need alcohol, bandages, and meds" April says while trying to sit me back down. Easily I stepped to the side and she fell on the couch "come on, hermana, you need to rest." I shake my head saying "this world needs help, and I intend to help it, even if I have to almost die to do it."

Master Splinter sighs saying "there's no way of convincing you otherwise... is there?" I shake my head saying "I'll do whatever it takes, Yoshi." He nods once and closed his eyes saying "you must unite and take down that missile. Before it is too late!" Instantly we go into the lab as Donnie and Baxter try to see the info. "I've got it, we can disable the guidance system, or better yet-" "hack in, and send the missile where it can't do any harm." Donnie glares at Rockwell more than Baxter saying "stupid psychic chimp" as he just does monkey noises.

Leo is the first to say "okay, we ninja in from above, and we drop down and disarm the missile" so Slash says "forget it! I say ground attack. They won't even know what hit em" Leo glares at Slash saying "a ground attack is way too risky." Raph and I push the two apart saying "I think the only way this mission is gonna work is if we do both." Slash just says "forget it, Raphael and Louisa, leave this to the Mighty Mutanimals. Come on, guys! We're out of here" then they start climbing out, so I look back at Leo angered.

"I'm going with them" I say and start walking towards the hole, so Leo says "oh come on, which member of their team do you want to hurt you now?!" I scoff. "Slash wasn't in his right mind, he told me so himself before he told you, and that shot was an accident. Plus, they'll need more muscle, not to mention they'll need my help with shielding attacks. If you can't work with them, someone's got to" I answer and start following after Leatherhead. "Leatherhead!" Mikey says, but Donnie is the first to say "Louisa, hold on a second."

Knowing he's not trying to convince me otherwise I finally face the group and see Donnie walking up to me saying "please be cafeul." I nod once and say "you have my word" then he pecked my lips, so I wink and leave the lair. With that we finally leave and start making our way towards where the missile is shooting off. "Seriously, what do you see in him??" Rockwell mumbles as we are going along the tunnels. "If you've seen what I seen.... there's apparently a lot" Slash jokes, so I playfully scoff at that.

"I don't really see a flaw in Donnie, unlike a certain primate" I say tauntingly and keep up with Slash "I don't see why she's coming along, Slash." Slash glares at Rockwell from over his shoulder saying "she's good at fighting, and is my sister. Despite her being with the turtles most of the time, she's not really from this world" I nod my head. Leatherhead looks at me shocked asking "really?? Where are you from?" I think on how to explain it. "Basically a different Earth... the difference is there's no mutants, aliens, or mutagen in general."

"Wow.... that sounds so calming" Pete says dreamingly and smiling big, so I nod saying "half and half, but there's still as much drama. Not to mention it's boring, it's so much more fun here, and I get to be a part of something bigger than I am." "There's a lot of stuff that's bigger than you are" Slash says and pushed my shoulder playfully. We laugh as I say "hey, no fair! You got bigger by mutating!" "You're still a short girl, Louisa." I playfully roll my eyes at Rockwell as we finally reach where the missile is gonna launch.

"Ready team??" Slash asks and twirls his weapon around, so I nod and grab out my bone kunais while getting my vision looking through an ocean blue tint. "Ready as I'll ever be" I answer, but Rockwell looks at me confused saying "I really have to question you later." "Noted" I say and we start our fight, getting Kraang down left and right easily as we make our way to the missile. As we're fighting I dodged a Kraang's fist as I say "I should've mentioned this earlier though. I'm kind of wanted by the Kraang!" Dodging a gun shot I easily threw my bone kunai at the Kraangbots head.

"I knew that already, Louisa!" Slash and Leatherhead say, but Rockwell and Pete were shocked by this piece of news that I just gave. "It is the one known as Louisa Pulsifer, get the one known as Louisa for the thing known as blood." My eyes widen at that as I jump off of a Kraang's body and into the air as I grabbed ninja stars. Easily I somehow got the circle that started to form around me to get down, feeling eyes on me as I do so. Looking I see it's Rockwell as his jaw is dropped, so I smile and just continue to fight the Kraang.

"Move it! Hustle! Get them!!" A familiar voice yells out, I gasp and see my regular vision came back as I grab my bone kunais and instantly run. Easily I continue to talk the Kraangbots down with the group as they do their own blows. "Feel the power of my mind!" Rockwell yells as he's hanging onto a fire escape, so I laugh a little at that. Running I see that Slash is taking on the one Kraang-brain I didn't want to see after all this time. Knowing that I'll have to help though I jump and help him fight Kraang Sub-Prime, he looks at me shocked.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


2012 TMNT Battle For New York (part 1 & 2) [including a new character]Where stories live. Discover now