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Louisa's p.o.v

It's shooting lasers at us, so I yell out "brace yourselves!" Somehow I easily dodged the lasers as I fly away from whatever that thing is. "The one time I'm in charge and I have fun!" I yell out and still dodge the lasers, but that's when I seen a way to lose that thing. Mikey knew what I was thinking as he says "strap your shells on tight, bros, she's going for it." With that I chuckle and push a button, we flew faster as I fly threw and around the things. "Woo-hoo-hoo!" I yell out and smile big as I continue to fly "what can't you do??" Donnie asks me.

"Left, go left!" Raph yells, so I actually listened to his suggestion "no, go right, right!" Leo yells out, so I do, but growl a bit. "Hey, if anyone else wants to drive, I'm open to suggestions!" I yell out, but didn't realize we got hit. "Ruh roh" I say, then we flew into the technodrome... literally, we all groan as we sit up right. "Is everyone okay??" Mikey asks, so I smile big and say "I'm so good, I want to do that again." Raph groans saying "still don't know when to quit" so I nod my head and we all stand up.

We got ready, knowing that there'll be Kraanbots ready to shoot us down, we insantly let me and Mikey go down first, then the others jumped down after. That's when we ran and got to the control room to where we can steer this thing. "We made it, woah, that was easy" Raph says as the rest of us are looking at a lot of Kraang. One of them even has a weird captain hat on, so I raise an eyebrow "um, Raph" Mikey says to his older bro. That's when he noticed the other Kraang that're in here, so Raph says "aww Kraang."

I twirl my bone kunais around saying "time to start a mutiny!" Donnie looks at me shocked, but we begun our fight after Leo says "team, attack." "Leo, me and Louisa are leader in Dimension X!" Mikey yells as we fight, but I went for a robo-spider Kraangbot. "Let's do this thing!" I yell and easily take over the machine, controlling it as I shoot other Kraang machines. There was a hole where they kept coming out, so I nodded to flying Mikey and he closed it. I finally jumped over to the gang saying "being tiny does have its advantages" and I jump out.

"Best girlfriend in history!" Donnie yells to me.
"Mikey, that was amazing!" Raph yells to Mikey.

"Dimension X, plus years of video games, equals Mikey awesomeness!" Mikey answers, so I roll my eyes saying "gloat later, time to start saving the humans." "She's right, Donnie what do we got??" Leo asks Donnie, who's working on the technodrome. Donnie answers with "good news, it looks like we have access to their mutagen supply through this fuel tube. Not only do they use mutagen to terraform, they use it to power the ship, we got a massive supply. Like, like this much!" He opens his arms wide as he shows us an example of the big amount we have.

I roll my eyes saying "real scientific, Donnie, you're just lucky Mikey's working on getting this thing moving" "how do you-" the sound of me being right just happened. Mikey got the thing ready to steer towards those islands "yes! She's moving, let's save New York." With that Mikey actually gets to drive this time, so we're just trying to do what we can here. "We have a visual on the human hybrids, Donatello, we need that portal ready to go" Leo states. Donnie then says "give me two seconds, I got to add the retro-mutagen" then he did as he said.

Everything went dark, so I knew that I'd have to get it up and ready as Donnie explains to the group what happened. "I told you, the technodrome runs on mutagen, the engines just can't take retro-mutagen captain." I roll my eyes at all of the pirate stuff that's happening, so I crack my knuckles again somehow. "Not necessarily" I say and start tapping away again as I explain what I'm doing to the group. "I just need to alter the ship's fuel converters, tweak the quantum defiblitrons, and done."

"Sweetie, I don't think-" Donnie stopped himself as the technodrome started to power on the retro-mutagen "and yes I know, defiblitrons isn't a word. I just said it because I can" I answer as Mikey laughs and continued to drive the technodrome to the islands. "Louisa, you're... a genius!" Raph says happily, so I nod, but a saw cutting got all of our attention. Looking we see Sub-Prime as he says "here's Kraang-y!" "Okay, Donnie, we need that portal opened." I add on for Leo saying "call up the Mighty Mutanimals!" "Come in Doctor Rockwell. Doc, you there? Anybody?!" Donnie asks, but got no answer.

Raph was negative as always "great, if the Mutanimals can't transport us back, cancel the entire rescue mission!" "And us going home" Leo adds last. I growl and say "just continue on, I know those guys can do it, stop thinking the worst. We got this!" They all nod once, and that's when Rockwell finally answered back to Donnie. "Donatello, we are back online, thirty seconds until we teleport you home" said Rockwell. "Sending coordinates now, adjusting for fifth dimensional space" I say and tap away a bit.

"Okay, you're not just Kraang-smart when you're here, you're actually smart!" Donnie says shocked, so I say "please be quiet. I'm working here!" "There they are... the hybrids, oh man, look at em! They're forced to work like Kravarian ant-people." "Well, not much longer, you ready with the retro-mutagen, Raph?" Leo asks after Mikey said that. "Locked and loaded" Raph replies, that's when both Leo and Mikey yelled "fire", so I roll my eyes. I start adjusting my glasses as I continue to tap away at the portal to get the humans home.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


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