Goodbye Small Town, Hello Open Road (Part 1)

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"Let's flip a coin to see who will drive," Simon said as he walked around his remodeled 1987 GMC truck. He kept his shoulders high and pushed back as though he was walking onto a football field. The letterman jacket he was wearing only added to the effect. When his sea green eyes reached mine they seemed to lock into place. I felt like an ant under a magnifying glass. I could feel his gaze analyzing me. Like always he seemed to see right through me.

"Unless you're wanting to drive?" He asked as he nudged my arm before leaning back against my old station wagon. He loved teasing me about my cringy looking vehicle. I couldn't complain too much though. When I turned 16 I asked my parents for a station wagon. I just wasn't thinking it would look like this. I am definitely not complaining though at least I have a vehicle. Simon wasn't able to drive until he and his dad fixed up his truck.

"You just want me to drive because you are still a newbie," I said as I ruffled his styled black hair.

I winked at him before I nudged him back, harder than he expected. It knocked him off balance. I quickly unlocked my car and reached for the door. I whipped my head back around as I did so. I caught a glimpse of Simon smirking. He had regained his balance before I could even turn back around. He flung his hand out to grab my arm just as I collided with my car seat.

Before I could register what was happening he pulled me out of the seat and turned me towards him. I gasped from shock and then started giggling uncontrollably as he pulled me in closer. My laughter quited as my heart welled up inside my throat. Lucas leaned in slowly until he was a breath away. My lungs froze and my heart seemed to beat uncontrollably as I stared into his eyes.

He turned his head slightly and whispered,

"You wish loser," before he leaned back and laughed to himself. It took every ounce of what little self control I had to not scream. I took a deep breath and then I plastered on a sickly sweet smile and grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him in again even closer, this time only half a breath away. I make sure his eyes are focused on mine as I slowly let my gaze fall to his lips.

"No, you wish Simon" I whispered. And then I shoved him back, he was so dazed that he stumbled and fell down. I tossed my beautiful mane of black hair back as I glanced at him still on the ground in shock.

"Get in the car loser" I shouted before I hopped in.

Of course that was the moment when Liam actually nudged me.

"What're you thinking about?" Liam asked, as a smile teased it's way around his lips. I shook my head and blinked rapidly as my eyes began to water.

"Huh? Oh, nothing..." my eyes widened in shock as I realized all of that was in my head and my gaze has been glued on Simon's lips. Oh no... no no look away at a natural speed, not too fast or he'll notice.

"Mia you've been staring at my lips for a solid 2 minutes." Simon chuckled nervously as he turned away rubbing the back of his neck. I could have sworn I saw a kiss of pink forming on his cheeks. I turned away too and acted like I was checking my hair in the car mirror. I felt my face start burning from embarrassment.

"I thought you were just messing with me at first, then I realized you weren't blinking," Simon chuckled again this time as he straightened up to pop his back. Oh no this is bad...really bad. Say something, you're incriminating yourself by not saying anything.

"I was just lost in my thoughts. I didn't even realize I was daydreaming." I say as I turn back around to face him. The more I look away the more guilty I look.

He paused in the middle of popping his back to ask, "Wait," His voice came out high pitch, he cleared his voice before speaking again. "Were you daydreaming about kissing me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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