(Vampire) In the Library [Pt. 2]

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-he doesnt wander near the library often.
-but when he does, it is to talk to you confidentially.
-Today, he just wanted some alone time in the library.
-when you entered, you saw Theo, in one of the chairs, sleeping horizontally over them.
-you smiled and walked over to his sleeping figure.
-you grabbed a book from one of the shelves, it was a big and heavy book.
-you walked over to Theo aannddd...
-"YY/NNN!!!!!!!! GET BACK HERE, THIS INSTANT!!" He yelled as you ran away from him.
-"NO WAY!! NOPE! NOT TODAY! GOTTA CATCH ME FIRST!! Oh hi Vimcent, gotta go!!" You greeted as you answered Theo, running down the halls.
-Vincent greeted you back with a smile.
-You passed by Sebastian who yelled at you both for running in the halls.
-Theo picked up his pace, desperate to catch up to you.
-You ran out the doors, and into the garden, where you found Sebastian, and Napoleon.
-when Sebas asked you why and what you were running from, you only pointed to the door as you took off again.
-Theo bursted through the double-doors, eyeing you as you ran to the back garden.
-you were running out of breath as you ran into the garden in the back. There, you found Dazai, hanging out with Arthur.
-"Oh hi, Toshiko-san!" He greeted.
-"Good morning to you, Y/N." Arthur greeted you.
-you looked behind yourself as you saw Theo standing, motionlessly.
-you took it as a bad sign that he was thinking, and you rushed inside the house.
-Theo ran back into the mansion through the doors he just came from and intercepted you.
-you were taken by surprise, and as you turned around, Theo grabbed you and dragged you to the Library.
-"...and why exactly did you have to do that..?"
-you looked guilty, yet proud of your little prank on him.
-but it was just a mask to hide the fact that you were indeed, very insecure.
-you realized then that you were like Arthur. [No spoilers or hints to anyone's routes.. i think. •_•]
-you cried.
-in front of him
-"Hondje, that trick doesnt work on- Y-Y/N..?" He stuttered.
-you were a crying mess, but you held out a forced and bitter smile.
-"does it matter..? Life is fleeting. Death is eternal. Even if you DO get to outlive me.. what chances or odds are there of you ever being truly happy..?"
-your words caught him off-guard.
-"Y/N. Please stop crying.. It makes you.. So much more irresistible.."
-"then do it."
-"I-I could never..!!"
-"Theo.. you know you wanna. You are thirsty. You are hungry.. Catch me if you can." With that, you ran out of the Library with a hungry and angry Theo trailing behind you.


-normally spends his time out in the gardens, leading a free life.
-You all know Comte is fine with him climbing the walls of the mansion, no matter how high.
-today, though.. Dazai wanted you all to himself, so he asked if it was okay to go to the library.
-of course you said yes.
-you both headed to the library and started browsing.
-"Hey, Toshiko-san!! Look what I found!"
-you brought your book with you as you made your way to him.
-Dazai was holding a copy of his own biography...
-you laughed and showed him yours.
-his jaw dropped.
-"Are-are you seriously gonna read all that..?" He asked you.
-in your cute hands, the giganyic book rested.
-'No Longer Human and other stories by Osamu Dazai'
-you nodded.
-"Of course. I find your works.. Very good to read. It makes it very nice to reflect upon."
-he smiled sweetly at you.
-"Well.. Im glad. Glad that you enjoy my works, and also the fact that you are in my life."
-you both hugged and went out of the library, where you both encountered the other author, Arthur.


-really likes to spend his time mostly either in his room, with you, or in the gardens, reasearching and such.
-today, he blindfolded you and brought you to the library.
-inside, he put you down on a chair and searched the library for a book
-he took your blindfold off, and...
-you stared, wide eyed, at him.
-he was holding a book
-A picture book, that recounted all the memories you both had over the course of that one month.
-you were moved to tears, as you hugged him tightly.
-he gave the book to you, and you looked through it.
-the sweet memories came flooding nack to you as you looked at the words on the page.
-'He even took the time to write a little description for each..'
-you were crying as you closed the book.
-he held you close.
-he kept his promise, but you didnt want to leave.
-he wanted to see you go with a smile on yoir face, but how can that be when you'll miss him terribly..?
-you went through the doors later that day, never to be seen again for another 200 or so years.

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