Back in Time [IkeSen]

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Requested by: Shyanne700

Thank you so much for your request!!
I wandered the halls as the thunderstorm raged outside.

It was great that Kenshin and Nobunaga got along okay, but just then, I realized something Sasuke had said earlier.

"Tonight, perhaps at midnight, the storm will pass over us. Im not entirely sure when, but if my calculations are correct, it will send us back in time. If not, only one of us.."

I shivered.

What if Sasuke stays and I go...? What will happen then?


The rolling thunder shook me out of my thoughts.

Its here...!

I tried to run down the halls, to where I felt safest. The safest place... Would be my boyfriend's room..!

Although it would be a relatively long walk, it definitely didn't say anything about sprinting.

So I dashed through the rain, as the quickest way from Point A to Point B was a straight line.

My beeline to his quarters was starting to tire me out. I called his name, hoping he would hear me. But through all this pouring rain? I may have just stayed in place.

I saw a glimpse of him running towards me as quickly as possible.

My consciousness faded..


Until I could no longer hear the rain or thunder.....

--1 year later--

"..So.. we will launch an attack on sea?"

Nobunaga nodded to Motonari.

"Yes. I do hope you all know how to swim."

He laughed

Going over the details of the oversea raid, the sky suddenly went dark. Memories flashed through everyone's minds about the night their beloved chatelaine, Y/N disappeared.

Only Sasuke knew what may have happened, but unfortunately, he too, disappeared that same night.

The door opened, and in stepped Y/N. Yes, the missing Y/N. Sasuke wanted to drop by with Y/N, but decided to go to Kenshin quickly after escorting Y/N to [Castle Name].

"H-hey guys.. Long time no see?"

[Castle Azuchi]

-is surprised as he could get
-got up and hugged you
-you swear he was crying; denied every accusation, demanded (with a pout) the questions stop
-confessed later to you in private that he was indeed very worried since you disappeared; gave you some kompeito later that night

-got up and yeeted Mitsuhide out of the way, pulling you into a bear hug
-nearly cried
-didnt apologize to Mitsuhide
-was extremely worried; sometimes losing sleep over you

-gracefully got up and hugged you very tightly, checking to see if you were real
-was actually very worried (who wouldnt be?)
-one time while you were gone, actually cried himself to sleep
-is happy youre back

-jumped to his feet and hugged you like a little kid after seeing something he liked; in this case, loved
-admitted openly he was very worried
-is extremely elated

-opened his arms to you
-hugged you tightly when you were in close enough range
-made sure to give you whatever you wanted for three days
-is overjoyed at your arrival; also VERY impressed the way you came in

-tears welled up in his eyes at the sight of your return; seemed very elated
-sauntered over to you quickly, making sure you were real before hugging you very tightly
-admitted he was worried and sad when you were gone
-is now a little bit happy youre actually back; worried you might be taken away again

-locked eyes with you before standing up and ushering you outside
-hugged you tightly; tears threatening to fall
-was very worried
-got very sad
-insulted everyone more often when you were gone
-apologized the day after
-is now feeling a little better you're back

[Castle Kasugayama]

-locked eyes with you
-got up, took his sword out and then pit an arm around you, pointing the sword at everyone else, slowly backing out the room
-kissed you once in a private place
-didnt really confess, you kinda just knew, he was very concerned and worried
-seeing you alive cheered him up a bit

-eyes lit up, excited in a way
-got up and excused himself before going to talk to you
-admitted he was afraid you were gonna die; now that you're back, swatted the question away as he knew about the enhanced technology of the future through Sasuke and Yukimura
-is very happy youre back

-got up, excused himself and hugged you, very tightly; Very, very tightly
-whisper confessed while hugging you he was extremely worried about you
-went back to being the very sweet bean we all love
-is glad you're back safely

-no surprise; got transported to the future like you

[Thanks for reading through! Didnt add Kennyo yet, even if his route is coming; dont know his actual character yet]

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