25. I will rouse at midnight

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Connie didn't get home until nearly half past seven and announced to Bea and Steve as soon as she stepped through the door that she was going to stay with her friend Charlotte in Oxford for a few days. She was leaving in a couple of hours and Bea wouldn't be able to use her car. Bea wanted to question this sudden decision and ask who Charlotte was since she'd never heard of her. She wanted to ask her mother right there, in front of Steve, if she really planned on spending the next few days with the man she was having an affair with. She didn't do any of those things. Instead she wished her mother a good trip and ran to catch the bus. She was nearly twenty minutes late by the time she arrived at the restaurant. Betsy's was modelled after an old-fashioned American diner. There was a bar along one wall with leather-covered red bar stools. Vintage travel posters adorned the walls. Tom was waiting for her in the usual place. A cosy booth by the window. He stood up as she approached and slid into the booth opposite him.

"Hey sorry I'm late, parental drama," Bea joked.

"Say no more," Tom smiled, sitting back down again. "I ordered you a strawberry milkshake. I know it's your favourite."

"It is thank you. Let me guess you ordered a half Coke, half Fanta? The-most-disgusting-sounding-but-actually-tastes-alright drink in the world?" Bea picked up a menu and raised her eyebrows at him over the top.

"You know me so well," Tom smiled. "So, have you had some time to think about what we talked about earlier?"

"About Detective Harper? I'm not convinced he was having an affair with Sara. For starters, how would they have even met? Also, you haven't met him, but the man is just...nice." Bea knew it sounded weak.

"Just because someone seems nice, doesn't mean they're not capable of doing bad things," Tom reasoned.

"I know."

The waitress appeared with their drinks and took their food order. Bea hadn't had a chance to look at the menu properly, so she randomly ordered something she'd had before. Tom ordered the same thing he did every time they came here. Cheese-burger with fries, no onions, extra pickles and an extra plate of fries.

"Someone's hungry tonight," the waitress remarked, "I guess you need it for those big muscles of yours." She winked at Tom and sauntered off.

"I think Melissa the waitress was flirting with you."

"She was not," Tom scoffed.

"Oh yeah? Hey Tom, can you pass me a straw with those big muscles of yours?" Bea teased.

"You think you're so funny don't you?" Tom passed her a straw.

"I have my moments."

They talked about trivial things for the next hour. Tv shows and music. Superheroes and magic. They argued over the best Disney movies (Bea thought it was Aladdin, Tom thought it was High School Musical). Bea realised she hadn't relaxed and laughed with her friends like this in ages. She hated to admit it, but it was easier hanging out with Tom. She loved Lila but somehow when all three of them were together, Lila and Tom always found a way to annoy the hell out of each other. Bea always wound up caught in the middle.

Tom was in the middle of a speech about caterpillars when Bea interrupted him to say, "Tom I want to say thank you. I know I haven't been the best friend I could be lately. Before you say it's not my fault, stop. Sara dying isn't an excuse for me to check out of the world. I don't want to spend the rest of my life walking around pretending to live. I need to actually start living again."

To her surprise, Tom didn't say anything in response. He gave her a measured look then, seeming to make up his mind about something, got up and slid into her side of the booth.

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