28. Wind came cold

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Bea waited for Tom in the courtyard after school. She'd texted him last night asking to talk and was relieved to finally get a reply this morning. By the time Lila had dropped her home last night, Connie was in bed. She left for work before Bea woke up this morning. At breakfast with her Dad, he asked if everything was alright between her and Connie. She brushed off his concerns. She knew her Mum wouldn't tell him about the affair.

"Hey," a voice called. Bea looked round to see the familiar sandy blonde hair and awkward shuffle towards her, complete with hands in pockets.

"Tom, thanks for agreeing to meet with me."

Tom shrugged, "You're a very hard person to stay mad at."

"Shall we take a walk? I've got a lot I need to say."

They walked across the school grounds towards the sports field and the willow tree.

"Tom I want you to know that I meant what I said. I really do love you. We've been friends for so long. You've always been there for me and I'm sorry if I wasn't there for you as much as I should have been."

"You were right, I wasn't the only one who lost Sara and it doesn't give me the right to act like a jerk. When you wanted to have dinner, I think a small part of me knew you wanted us to be more than friends, but I ignored it and pretended it wasn't there because I didn't want to face the truth. I was scared that you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, that it would be too awkward."

"Bea there is nothing you could ever do that would make me not want to be your friend," Tom said. "Well okay maybe there's a couple of things. You aren't planning on committing mass murder are you?"

"I haven't ruled it out yet."

Tom smiled. "I need to apologise to you."

"No you don't," Bea frowned, "What happened was my fault. I should have told you before how I felt about Adam."

"You didn't have to tell me Bea. I could see it in your eyes whenever you said his name. It was obvious you liked him. I got jealous of all the time you were spending together. I mean you've barely known him two weeks and already I could see I was going to lose you to him. I didn't think he cared about you. Then I saw his face after I kissed you. If that wasn't the look of a guy getting his heart broken, I don't know what is."

Bea was stunned, "You really think so?"

"Yeah. That doesn't mean I trust him though. I still think his story is weird. It doesn't make sense to start at a new school halfway through the year, right before the end of term. Plus, the way he keeps popping up randomly is more than a coincidence."

"You don't have to trust him," Bea said, "Trust me."

"Bea I would trust you with my life. I don't want you to get hurt though."

Bea signed and kicked the ground. "Well I don't think you have to worry about Adam. He hasn't returned my calls or texts and I haven't seen him at school. I don't think he's ever going to talk to me again."

Tom looked at her with sympathy, "Then he's an idiot." He pulled her towards him by the shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

"So, does that mean you forgive me?" Bea asked hopefully.

Tom grinned, "Like I said, I could never stay angry at you. Come on I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat."


Bea was laughing at Tom's attempt at a Russian accent when Lila burst into Sanjay's café and hurled herself into the seat next to Bea.

"Yay! You guys made up, I'm so happy," Lila beamed, pulling Bea into an awkward side hug.

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