27. My soul is all but out of me

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When Bea woke up the next morning, she felt clammy and her head ached. Before he left for work, Steve came to check on her.

"Hmm you've not got a temperature, but you do feel a bit warm. Tell you what, why don't you take the day off from school. There's only a few days left of term you're not going to be missing much work."

"Thanks dad," Bea smiled weakly.

Steve brought her some toast and butter and a glass of water and told her to keep drinking. After he left for work, Bea nibbled at the edge of the toast and tentatively sipped the water before laying back down and falling asleep again.

A constant ringing sound woke her up. She blinked groggily, wondering if someone was at the door. The ringing sound was louder now, and Bea realised it was coming from her nightstand. She picked up her phone, Lila was calling. She could also see two missed calls and about ten text messages from Lila, each one more frantic than the last.


"Bea? It's about time you answer your phone! I've been trying to reach you for hours. Where are you? Why aren't you in school?"

"I wasn't feeling very well today."

"Really? It wouldn't have anything to do with what happened last night would it?" Bea could hear the accusation in Lila's voice.

"What did Tom tell you?"

"He said you guys were having a great time on your date. You told me it wasn't a date Bea! Anyway, Tom thinks it was a date and he says he kissed you and you kissed him back. Then Adam showed up and you ran out of the restaurant and chased after him. What the hell Bea?"

"Lila I swear, I didn't know it was supposed to be a date. I thought we were hanging out. We talked about normal stuff and then out of the blue he told me he liked me, then he kissed me. I was so shocked I didn't do anything. Adam saw us kiss. He looked more than upset. I had to follow him and explain what happened."

"Why would he be upset? Wait did something happen between you guys?" Lila gasped.


"Isabelle don't be coy with me. Tell me everything." Bea heard the faint sound of a bell ringing on Lila's end of the phone. "Damn it I've got to go to class. Okay I'm coming over after school, we need to talk about this."

Before Bea could object Lila had hung up. Sighing, Bea replaced the phone on the nightstand. She might as well get up now. Her head had cleared up a little and after she had showered, dressed, and eaten a proper meal she was feeling much better.

Bea settled down to watch a movie while she waited for Lila. She was only twenty minutes in when she heard keys jangling in the front door. Lila doesn't have keys. Bea was surprised to see her Mum enter the house, carrying a duffel bag.

"Mum? I thought you weren't coming back until the weekend."

Connie walked over to Bea and threw herself onto the sofa next to her, putting her arm around Bea's shoulders. "That was the plan. Then this morning I got a call from your Dad. He told me what happened last night and that you weren't feeling well today. I thought I should come home and look after you."

"Thanks Mum, I'm actually feeling a lot better now."

"That's good," Connie hesitated, "Your Dad told me you had a bit of boy drama. By any chance does it involve that very handsome boy who was here the other day. What was his name? Adam?"

"Yeah. It's fine. Just a misunderstanding."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Bea bit her tongue. Connie was the last person she wanted boy advice from. "Not really."

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