35. Beauty that may not die

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Sara looked around for her friends. The party was at Nicole's house, one of the girls she knew from hockey but wasn't especially close to. Eventually she spotted Alison, dancing in the middle of the room. She had a crowd of boys around her but acted like she was completely alone. Sara smiled to herself. Alison saw her and pushed her way through the dance floor to greet her.

"Sara I thought you'd never get here!" Alison squealed. "Come on let's get a drink." Sara let Alison pull her through the throng of people to the kitchen. It was less crowded in there. Sara left Alison pouring the drinks to say hello to some people she knew from school. She was chatting to Chris, a boy from the year above who'd just graduated when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and smiled brightly when she saw who it was.


"Hey Sara, we've been looking everywhere for you." Hannah hugged her then stepped back so Sara could say hello to the boy hovering just behind her. He leaned forward and gave her a quick hug.

"I only just got here," Sara explained.

"I can guess why you're late. It wouldn't have anything to do with your secret boyfriend would it?" Hannah winked.

Sara shushed her. "Hannah you're not supposed to talk about him in public."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry I'm just so jealous. He writes you those letters and leaves you flowers in your locker and little notes. Why can't my boyfriend do things like that?" Hannah pouted, turning to the boy behind her and punching his arm playfully.

Sara laughed. "Wait a minute I think I hear your favourite song playing."

"I think you're right. Come on let's go dance," Hannah giggled and grabbed her hand, pulling her back out to the living room. Sara waved at Alison as she went past and motioned for her to follow. Alison held up a plastic cup filled with a dark liquid in response. Sara shrugged and followed Hannah out to the dance floor. She looked back over her shoulder and called out to the boy, "Aren't you coming Adam?" 


Adam's face grinned back at her from the phone. He was with a group of friends at the beach, there were about eight of them. For once, Bea's attention wasn't completely absorbed by Adam. She stared at a figure on the far right. A girl with a face as familiar to Bea as her own.

"Sara," she whispered. She looked up at Adam, he almost shrunk back from the look of anger and betrayal painted across her face. "I don't understand."

"I can explain everything Bea. Can we please go somewhere and talk?" Adam begged.

"You knew Sara? How is that even possible? You two go to different schools, you have different friends. When would you even have met her?" Bea demanded.

"Bea, we think they were more than friends," Lila implied heavily.

Bea couldn't comprehend what she was saying, "You're not serious."

Lila took the phone carefully out of Bea's hands and swiped to messages. She showed Bea the last text sent from the phone.

Adam Harding, 7.23pm

Hey, I had to pick some things up for the party. Running a little late. I'll call you when I'm nearly there.

"Bea look at the date. It was sent on October 31st, the night Sara died. He's talking about going to a party. It can't be a coincidence," Lila said.

Bea was staring at the name at the top of the screen.

"Oh my god," she breathed. "It's you." She turned to face Adam, unable to hide the look of horror on her face.

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