37. All the good I know

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"Bea," Adam warned as he watched the speedometer creep higher.

Bea said nothing and pressed her foot down harder. The rain was falling in sheets now and the car tyres slid dangerously across road. The sky above was covered in dark grey clouds, obscuring the bright light of the stars. Bea wiped her eyes and squinted, trying to get a better view of the road ahead, but the tears keep rolling down her cheeks. Adam leaned over and switched up the wiper blade speed.

"Don't touch me!" Bea shrieked.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to help. I think we should slow down Bea. You can't even see properly. Let's just pull over." Adam reached out again but Bea slapped him away. Her anger was threatening to overcome her. She reached across the car and hit Adam again and again. Each time, she cried and blamed him for everything that happened. Her heart wasn't just breaking, it was splintering, and the shards were piercing her soul. Her tears left her nearly blind. Bea increased the wiper blade speed again, but it didn't make any difference. Suddenly there's a blinding light and the sound of brakes screaming.

And then nothing.



"Hannah you can't be mad at me forever," Adam said, glancing at her before turning his attention back to the road. It had just started to rain so he turned on the wiper blades.

"Just drive Adam," Hannah ordered. She picked up her phone, planning to ignore him the rest of the way back.

Adam decided it was no use trying to reason with Hannah right now. Better to wait until she'd cooled off. Instead, he turned the radio up and focused on the road.

"Damn it," Hannah said suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

"This isn't my phone."

"Who's is it then?"

"Sara's. I asked her to show it to me. I forgot to give it back. She must have mine. Turn around, we need to go back."

"Really? Can't you just get it tomorrow?" Adam suggested.

"No Adam I can't. I don't want to talk to Sara, but I need my phone. We're going to turn around and you can go and get it for me." Hannah sat back and crossed her arms. Adam sighed under his breath and checked his mirrors before doing a U-turn and heading back to the party.

Sara's phone buzzed in Hannah's lap. She looked at the screen, her forehead creasing. "Is this..." she trailed off as she read something on the phone and her face turned to thunder.

"I knew it. What the hell Adam you lied to me!" Hannah shouted.

"Hannah I don't know what you're talking about."

Hannah thrust the phone in front of his face.

"Jesus Hannah!" Adam yelled. The car swerved violently to the right and Adam yanked the steering wheel back. He shoved Hannah's arm away. "Are you crazy? We could have crashed."

"Do you want to explain why you've been texting her all night?"

"Texting who? Sara? I haven't been texting anyone. I've been with you," Adam insisted.

Hannah read out a series of messages.

A.H 10.39pm

Thinking of you tonight. You look gorgeous in that dress. X

A.H 11.07pm

Can I see you this weekend? It's been too long, I miss you. I want to be close to you. X

A.H 11.28pm

Sara are you alright? Call me when you get home from the party. I love you. X

"You know Sara has a boyfriend. Those messages are obviously from him," Adam said.

"Do you think I'm stupid Adam? Look at this. A H, those are your initials aren't they?" Hannah accused.

"Oh no, Han you've got it all wrong. Please it's not what you think."

"I'm tired of you lying to me Adam! Just tell me the truth- Adam!" Hannah broke off screaming. Headlights flashed in front of them. Adam tried to swerve out of the way, but it was too late.


Bea blinked and looked around dizzily. Her head felt like someone had slammed it several times into a brick wall. She looked across at Adam, he was unconscious, his head lolling to the side. Bea gripped the side of her head and tried to get her bearings. What happened? She remembered a car horn and a flash. She'd swerved out of the road and... Bea sat up quickly, now fully alert. They were in the water. She'd gone over a bridge.

"Adam wake up," Bea pleaded. She unclicked her seatbelt and reached across to shake his shoulders. "Adam please!"

Bea looked around, the car was sinking quickly, and water was already pooling at her feet. She tried the door handle on her side, but it wouldn't open. Neither would the window. Panicking, she leaned over Adam and tried his too. Still nothing.

"Adam!" Bea cried. She drew her hand back and slapped him hard across the face. Adam jerked awake.

"Bea! What's going on?"

"Adam we're in the water. I can't open the doors," Bea sobbed. "Please do something." Adam yanked on the door handle with all his strength, but it wouldn't open. He slammed his fists against the window. The water was up to their waists now. Bea recalled the dream she'd had the other night of being in a room that was slowly filling with water. If she was a superstitious person, she would say it was a bad omen.

Adam had resorted to trying to break open the windscreen. It was useless. The glass was too thick

"Adam, it's not working."

"I just need more power. I'll get us out of her Bea, I promise."

"Adam, I'm scared. I don't want to die like this," Bea whimpered.

Adam paused to look at her. She could see her terror reflected in his eyes. He grabbed her hand, which was now underwater. The cold was almost unbearable. "You are not going to die Bea. Listen to me, keep your head above for as long as possible, then take a deep breath. Can you do that for me?"

Bea nodded, squeezing his hand tightly. Adam redoubled his efforts to break the window. Bea tried on her side as well. The water reached the car ceiling and Bea took a deep breath and watched Adam do the same. He braced himself against the glove box and the seat and raised himself up to kick the window, using the water to balance. Bea looked at the glove box. During the crash, it must have fallen open. Inside she saw the outline of a torch. She grabbed Adam's arm and pointed. He understood immediately and grabbed the torch, slamming it against the window. Bea's lungs were on fire now, she couldn't hold on much longer. She closed her eyes and whispered a silent prayer for her parents before everything went dark.

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