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《 violet's pov 》

I burst into my room and slammed the old door behind me, which had a few holes in it. I threw my black backpack on the floor in the middle of the room and jumped into my bed.

"Violet Adlon don't walk away when I am talking to you!" I hear my mom shouting. Her steps were louder and louder.

Urgh! Leave me alone! I thought, because I know exactly what will happen next.

"You can't avoid all your problems. You have to solve them!" My mom burst into the room.

I got out of bed. "How?! Tell me how to fucking solve these problems!"

My mom took a breath, but before she could say anything, I cut her off. "Like you? Getting drunk?!"

This time she got even angrier and started shouting even louder than ever. "Don't get my problems involved! This isn't about me, because I missed my chance! I ignored my problems and look where I ended up! Your father left us and I'll get drunk here every night"

She sighed and continued. "Do you want to end up like me, Violet?!"
I looked at the floor and muttered. "No..."

My mom took a step closer to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. I looked at her and saw tears in their eyes.

She sighed before she spoke. "Then solve your problems. Forget what others think. Just..."

She slowly began to cry. I put my hand on her shoulder as an attempt to calm her crying, which helped. She looked at me again, and this time with a smile I hadn't seen in a long time.

I smiled back at her. "It's okay mom, I promise." She wiped her tears one last time and left my room with a small smile.

My mom closed the old white door behind her and I jumped into my bed again and sighed heavily.

My God... She can make me so mad. But she's still my mom... And she's probably right. I should not ignore all my problems.

I blinked a few times and looked away at the small white clock on the bedside table. '17:31'

Today is thankfully Friday, but I had eight hours, which means we ended quite late. I looked out the skylight and saw the October sun slowly hiding behind tall buildings.

I sat on the bed and took off my denim jacket and lay down on the bed again. I just stared at the white ceiling, where a few small cracks appeared.

My eyes blinked slower and slower, and at that moment they closed and it was black.


Phone ringing. That's the first thing I hear after I close my eyes. I won't even open my eyes and I'm already searching for my phone.

The ringing continues and I finally open my eyes because I realized I hadn't even pulled the phone out of my black backpack yet.

I see blurry, but that doesn't stop me from picking up the phone. "Hello?"

"Heyyy, Violet!" I hear on the other side.

"Oh, hi Louis. You need something?"

"I just can't call my best friend?"

"Louis you just woke me up."

"Woke you up?! It's 10pm and you were already sleeping??"

"No... I fell asleep when I got home from school. Now really Lou, what do you need?"

"I just wanted to tell you that tommorow at 5pm at me house. Sleepover."

"Okay... But with who?"

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