They're so pretty it hurts|| reader X pogues Pt 2!

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request: hey can you make an imagine about the closeted reader hiding her gf of 5 months from the pogues and then they find out? Loves

A/n: Check out part one if you haven't. Besos babes

Readers Pov


Fuck, fuck, fuck. I think as I see the pogues leaving. Everyone except JJ is looking at me. Their faces showing their disappointment. Shit. They aren't gonna wanna hang out with me now. I think as I start to hyperventilate. Rebe wraps her arms around me while holding onto the boat.

"Shhhh. Its okay babe." She says as we get out of the water. She wraps me in a towel as tears fall down my face.

"They are probably disgusted by me. I mean everyone else on this island is homophobic, why would my friends be different." I sob.

"Babes, not everyone here is homophobic, most don't care but the ones that do are vocal about it which makes it seem like there are more. The way you talk about your friends shows me that you love them and they love you."

"But..but what if they tell others. What if they tell my parents." I come to the terrifying realization that my parents might find out.

"Nothing is going to happen to you. You can talk to them."

"Fine, I'll call them." I take out my phone and dial JJ's number, nothing. John B's, nothing. Sarah's, Kie's, Pope's...nothing. I start to ball even more. I just lost my friends. Some of my oldest friends gone in a second.

JJ's Pov

We look around as one phone then the next goes off, Y/N calling us. He sits in silence. Kie rubs my back as tears fall down my face.

"Why didn't she tell us," Pope says. "We have been her friends her whole life and she doesn't tell us probably one of the most important things about herself." He yells.

"Look we don't know the full story here, lets not jump to conclusions," Sarah says with her hands up like she is approaching an angry bear.

"What do you mean not jump to conclusions! SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND AND DIDN'T TELL US! SHE LED ME ON THINKING I HAD A CHANCE WITH HER! WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING HER!" I scream while sobbing. I run into the house and slam the door going into Big John's/my room. I cry for what feels like years until I fall asleep.

A week later Reader's pov

All week I haven't talked to anyone. My parents have been concerned and asked me what's going on but I would rather them stay concerned than know the truth. Rebe has come to see me every day but I haven't seen her yet today which is odd. I continue to cry as I call her.

"Rebecca," I say into the phone.

"Hi babe I will be over soon I just need to do something first love ya!" she hangs up before I can say anything.

Rebe's Pov (Bet you didn't see that one coming)

I pull up to John B's house and get out. I hear people in the back and walk up to them.

"Hello?" I say as I approach them. They all turn around and stare at me.

"Who the fuck are you," Sarah Cameron says. I know all their names from the number of times Y/N has talked about them.

"I'm Rebecca or Rebe. We seem to have met a week ago at the marsh, you drove away before I could introduce myself." I say with a slight laugh. God this is unbearable. " Can we talk, all of you?" I ask while looking for the Maybank kid who seems to be missing.

"Let me get JJ." John B says stiffly.

JJ's Pov

I haven't left John B's all week. Y/N blew up my phone till it eventually died. I am sniffling as John B comes in.

"Hey, um, someone is here to see us." He says

"Tell Y/N to go away," I say coldly

"it's not Y/n, JJ" I look at John B after he says that. I get up to see who it is and she the girl I am more jealous of. The girl that gets to kiss Y/N, go on dates with her, love her in a non-platonic way.

Rebe's Pov

I see JJ come out with puffy red eyes from what was probably crying.

"Can you all sit down. Please" I ask polity. As they sit down I start to raise my voice. "As you all probably know. I am Y/N's girlfriend. Been her girlfriend for 5 months and have never met a better person in my life. Y/N is amazing in every single way. The only thing she isn't good at is picking good friends. I mean what the fuck guys. What the hell. She has been calling and texting each one of you for a week straight. She has been crying in her room thinking that some of the most important people to her don't accept her for who she is and now hate her for something she can't control. I mean get your heads out of your asses for a second and see that it has been hard for her. The closet is a cold and dark place. A place no one wants to stay in but have to because its dickheads like you who don't support people for loving who they want to love. I mean come o-." I try to continue before John B cuts in.

"What do you mean we don't accept her. We don't care that she likes girls. Most of us here like girls so we get the appeal. We are mad that she didn't tell us. She should have trusted us and should have known we would accept her." John B responds, just barely raising his voice.

"Yeah well ignoring her wasn't the way to show that. I mean come on what did you think she would think when yall have ignored her for a week." I say, continuing to yell. I look over at JJ and he just looks heartbroken. I feel a bit of sympathy for him, it seems like he really cares for Y/N. At first, the way she would talk about him, it almost made it seem like she was in love with him, but or course now I know she only has a thing for girls. She was most broken about JJ ignoring her.

"Look, I didn't come here to just yell at you, although it felt very good. Coming out is the most important thing in a person's life. And it sucks when you can't do it on your own terms. So please for the love of god just talk to her. I beg you all. If you want her to know you support her unconditionally, go to her." I respond. They all look around at each other and before anyone can say anything I say, "well fucking move, we don't have all day."

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