They're so pretty it hurts|| reader X pogues Pt 3!

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request: hey can you make an imagine about the closeted reader hiding her gf of 5 months from the pogues and then they find out? Loves

Reader's POV

I'm laying in my bed waiting for Rebe to get here. I am scrolling on my phone as I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in Rebe, its unlocked," I say.

"Its not Rebecca." John B says as I see all the pogues shuffle in.

"Oh, um hey guys" I say sitting up on my bed. Thank god I decided to clean up my room and my appearance before Rebe came.

"We...uh.. need to talk" Kie says

"Yeah I guess we do, look I understand if you guys feel uncomfortable with me, well I don't understand but a majority of the people on this island have a problem with it, so I understand if you do too. I gues-"

" Wait,wait,wait. Y/N we don't care about that stuff. We were just upset you didn't tell us." Pope jumps in.

"Guys you have to understand that it's not something that is easy to say. Its not like I am telling you my favorite book, it's really important to me and I wanted to tell you all when it was the right time on MY OWN terms. So you can't play the 'I am hurt you didn't tell us' card, because I'm hurt you didn't call me back or text me when I needed you all." I say raising my voice. "Especially you JJ, you are my best friend and have always been. What you think means the most to me and I really needed you but you did jack shit to help me."

They all stand shocked as JJ comes forward asking if he can talk to me privately.

Everyone leaves as he sits next to me on my bed.

"Listen, I didn't call you because... because I am in love with you Y/N, and it hurt a lot. I get that it's not your fault, it was selfish of me to do that to you, but I just love you so much that it physically hurts me." He says sighing

"God JJ I'm sorry. I love you too I want you to know that," I say

"Just not in the way I love you." He finishes.

"Not in the way you love me," I say. We sit in comfortable silence as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"How long have you known," he asks.

"That I was gay? Since I was young and watching Aladdin, wishing that I was him so I could be with Jasmine." I answer laughing.

"I get it. I get the appeal. Girls are pretty." He says laughing

"They're so pretty." I say.

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