Not Afraid|| JJ x Reader PT.1

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Hey! I just found your account. Can I get a JJ imagine from the angst prompts you posted. Numbers 2,20,33, and 45. I was hoping that maybe the reader could be normally sunshiny but no one knows they are battling depression. She goes up to the tower with John B and instead of him falling its her. but she doesnt fall right away instead she is holding on then lets go. She is also dating JJ btw. Sorry ik this is confusing.

Prompts: 2: "Are you afraid to die?"

20: "How did things go so wrong?"

45: "Would you hate me?"

A/N: I know,I know I said I would finish they're so pretty like a week ago , I've said this before but my mental health isn't great but I may start seeing someone soo so that's exciting, I am having writer's block rn but if anyone has ideas they wanna share feel free. Also, I just wanted to say thanks for the support and feel free to leave more requests! Besos Babes

Warnings: Suicide and depressive thoughts. I am in no way romanticizing any of these things. Please Babes seek help if you need it. I can tell you for a fact that things suck real bad sometimes. It's hard but life doesn't throw anything at you that it knows you can't take. It only makes us stronger. I love you all and if these things are too triggering I will take it down just tell me.

I am standing on the tower waiting for Sarah. As I'm looking down I wonder what It will feel like to just jump. Jesus Y/N stop. I know I would probably never, I have to stay here for my friends. I am the bubbly one of the group after all. I sigh and hear Sarah approach me with the map.

"I thought John B was coming up here" Sarah questioned clearly disappointed.

"Wow thanks, good to see you too. He was talking to JJ about something and I offered to go." I explain. I suddenly hear footsteps and see the one person I hate more than anything, Topper. What a stupid fucking name, Topper, it disgusts me to even think about that name. Topper and I used to date but when I developed feelings for a certain Pogue boy, the infamous JJ Maybank, I broke it off with Topper. He has given me and the rest of the Pogues even more of a hard time because of it.

"Watch out Sarah, don't want to catch a disease from the dirty Pogue right here."

"Back the fuck off Topper," I say already wanting to feel my fist in his stupid ass face.

" What did you say to me Pogue," He gets closer, I can feel his breath on my face."

"Back.The.Fuck.Off" I say spitting at him as he suddenly pushed me. The railing breaks and I'm holding on to the edge of the platform. Sarah screams and says something to Topper but all I can think about is this is it, my opportunity. I suddenly feel finger by finger slip as I let go. Falling down I can't hear anything but the wind near my ear. I fall and immediately close my eyes. I am in so much pain I can't open them. I feel someone, Sarah run down and hold me. She is screaming for help but I can't do anything.

"Y/n, Y/n, please open up. Hey hey, you are okay just open your eyes." She says pleading. I feel her tears fall down onto my face. I hear footsteps and someone takes me out of her grip. I don't need to see to know it's JJ, shit JJ, how could I be so selfish and not think about him.

"Hey Y/n, open your eyes, please, come on pretty girl open them. You are okay please just open them." He sobs. I feel my body relax and know he does too. As I slip into unconsciousness I feel JJ sob harder. JJ's small please is the last thing I hear when it all goes black.

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