Tiny kicks||Rudy Pankow x Pregnant!Reader

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Request: Can I make a request at all? Either with Rudy or Drew, I don't mind but their wife is pregnant and they go to one of scans to check on the baby then back to hang out with the rest of the cast and they feel the kick for the first time?

A/N: Such a cute request. Giving me baby fever even though I don't wanna have my own kids and I am 16. Anyways make sure to request! Besos Babes!

Warning: I know jack shit about pregnancies so all this information is because of two google searches.

It was almost 26 weeks into your pregnancy, you were nervous because it said you should feel a kick between 17 and 25 weeks. As your beloved husband, Rudy took you to the ultrasound, you shared these concerns with him.

"Babes, it's probably nothing." He reassures. "But aren't you a doctor, shouldn't you know if these things are fine or not," he asks, you can feel that he is tense and you can basically see the stress coming from him.

"Um for the one thousandth time, I am an anesthesiologist, while I work in a hospital, I am not an obstetrician, you think after being married for a year your husband would know what you do everyday for work." I know I am getting angry for no reason but I am just worried, and I can tell Rudy understands that.

"Well after this ultrasound we will find out if we have to worry... WHICH we probably don't. Then we can hang out with the cast and drink into oblivion." I glare at him with a look that could kill. "They will drink into oblivion while me and my sweet and pregnant wife sit out." He corrects himself.

We walk up to the waiting room and see many pregnant mothers talking. As we wait I see many staring at Rudy with suggesting looks, as he seems to be the only male here. I pull him closer to me as he laughs at my protectiveness.

The ultrasound goes smoothly, the obstetrician talking about how we still have a little time to feel a kick before we should start to worry, which wasn't very comforting.

As we get to our apartment,where we met up with the cast, everyone is feeling my bump which seems cute but many sets of hands feeling me isn't something that I enjoy very much for hours straight,

"So how has it been?" JD asks.

"Don't ever get pregnant JD." I say.

"Wasn't planning on it but that's Y/N." Everyone laughs then goes back to feeling my belly although they aren't gonna feel anything.

After everyone heads out I start to clean up as Rudy insists I sit down. One of the nice things about pregnancy is that Rudy has become my bitch, a nickname he doesn't like very much. He cleans up and we watch Elite (If you haven't seen Elite drop what you are doing (or who wink wink) and watch it.). Then I feel a small pain in my stomach.

"Shit" I yell. Rudy looks at me in shock and starts to panic.

"What? What is wrong? Are you dying? What is happening?" He asks.

" Nothing I just.. HOLY SHIT RUDY!" I scream. I grab his hand and put it where I felt the pain. He is confused until he feels it too, kicking. It kinda hurts but we just stare at each other with tears in our eyes. Rudy jumps up and kisses my, full on sobbing. He tries to pick me up and swing me around than realizes that is maybe not the best idea.

"Holy shit," He sobs. "We are really having a kid, like there is a human in you and everything."

"Considering I am very pregnant I would hope you knew that already but alright." We continue to hug each other as we cry. Feeling pure bliss and happiness.

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