Necklace||JJ Maybank x Reader|| Part 1

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Warnings: mentions of parent death, fake friends ig?

I was walking to the chateau, tears in my eyes. Tired of the kook academy and all my fake friends, I started to hang out with Kie at work and she showed me her friend group. I worked at the Wreck even though I was a Kook. My adoptive parents want me to learn that life isn't going to hand you things on a silver platter and to go far you need to work for it. At times it was annoying but I understand the message.

I walk in as one tear falls down my face. Everyone looks up from whispering in a huddle. Weird, I think.

" What are you guys talking about?" I ask as I wipe the tear away, hoping they didn't notice.

"Nothing it's not important," JJ says sternly. I was confused. When the group welcomed me with open arms, his arms were open the largest. He was always sweet to me so his tone was surprising.

"Why are you crying" Kie says. They all look so stiff, was it their conversation? Was it me? I honestly didn't know.

"Nothing it's not important" I say mocking JJ. Kie walks up to me and gives me a hug which makes me start to sob.

"I.. god this makes me sound so privileged. I lost my necklace." I say still sobbing.

Kie stops hugging me and looks at everyone else before turning back to me, I can see she is scared, but of what I don't know.

"That's it?" JJ asks. " are you that fucking conceded that you are crying cause of a fucking necklace? Just buy another with your bottomless cash supply you parents have." He snaps at me. They all look at him in surprise and John B slaps his arm.

" I can't just buy another. Not that necklace." I start to explain. God I'm going to have to tel them about my mom. They know I'm adopted, everyone does. I don't look anything like my parents so it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. I've lived with them since I was ten and I'm now sixteen. But the pogues don't know why I'm adopted.

"It was my mother's. The only thing I have left to her. After... she passed, all I was given was the necklace, everything else went to my stepdad, who decided he didn't need to take care of me, since 'I'm not his biological child', thus why I'm adopted". I say. I look around and everyone is looking at JJ with anger. Probably because he yelled at me. They are all stiff and not taking so I decide maybe it's best that I go.

After their protests about me leaving when I'm still clearly upset, I get in the car and immediately hear screaming. Not distressed screaming, angry screaming. I, being a nosy bitch, decide to listen. I go up to the door to the chateau and lean in just out of sight.

"JJ ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS." "OUT OF ALL HER JEWELRY YOU PICK HER DEAD MOTHER'S NECKLACE." "I HOPE YOU ARE PROUD OF YOURSELF" "YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT BACK" is what I hear. I stand their shocked. JJ, the guy I started to fall for, took my necklace? Why?

"Look, I didn't know you guys would start to like her, I mean we only started to hang out with her so we could take her stuff without her knowing to pay bail. If I knew that necklace was important I wouldn't have taken it. Also I sold it already." I let out a sob as I quickly cover my mouth. Shit. They all turn around and see me listening.

"How much of that did you hear?"JJ asks. I look at him, my eyes now red and puffy, a hurt expression on my face.

"Enough to know all of you are back-stabbing asshole's. Enough to know that you all are terrible people. Especially you JJ. Go fuck yourselves." I say as tears stream down my face. I hear them calling me but I tune it out.

JJ's pov


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