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~backstory: imagine kie doesn't exist sorry.
Y/n (your name) have been friends with the pogues since 4th grade and they soon became your family when you basically moved in with John b he was like your brother and so was pope. But your feelings towards JJ have always been more but he could never like you back you were like his sister or that's what you thought.

Y/n's pov:
It was about 7:30am when I woke up that morning and I knew none of the boys would be awake for a good few hours, because the night before there was a party.
I sighed walking through the chateau: rubbish, cans and the smell of weed filled the air. You've always been like the mom of the group always taking care of them which you didn't mind and so you decided to start to clean: picking up cans and rubbish, cleaning down the counters, sorting out the couches, washing dishes and once it was clean you lit a candle to rid the stale alcohol and weed smell.
It was around 9:00 when you were finished cleaning up and so decided to make some breakfast for when they wake up which was usually around 10:00.

I set out the fruit in the centre of the table with some yogurt, I made pancakes with syrup (JJs favourite), scrabbled eggs, bacon and to finish off I set out glasses off orange juice and pain killers- knowing they would wake with headaches and hangovers from the party.

"Morning sleepy head" I said as John b walked into the kitchen, holding his head in pain. "Morning y/n" he replied in a groggy voice, clearly hungover. His eyes lit up at the sight of the clean house and breakfast, causing him to embrace me in a tight hug before releasing me. "Would you wake pope and JJ tell them breakfast is done" I asked and he nodded walking towards the sofa beds were the other boys were.
"Your the best princess" JJ said to me as we all sat and ate breakfast together. "I know" I smiled at the three boys. After breakfast the three went to lay down on the hammocks as I washed up after us all.
The name JJ called me at breakfast kept in my thoughts putting a wide smile and blush on my face. "What you smiling at" pope laughed as he came over to grab a glass of water. "Oh nothing" I replied hiding my red cheeks.     "Ok well I think we're going down to the beach for a campfire later you coming?" He asked "of course".
After watching movies all day we headed down to the beach and arrived around 8:00pm. I watched as the three boys dove into the ocean laughing, shouting and splashing each other. It made me happy knowing they were. I heard a yell from the ocean as jj approached me on the shore. "Hey princess you getting in" he asked "oh no I'm gonna sit this one out" I replied but he wasn't having it. "Oh I don't think so sunshine" and with that he threw me over his shoulder and ran into the ocean. I was screaming for him to put me down and laughing in between yells.

I hated when he made me get butterflies but I couldn't help it, I loved this boy since the 4th grade for goodness sake. I was brought out of my thoughts as I was thrown into the ocean by JJ. I came up to the surface and flipped him of "dumbass" I shouted gaining 'oohs' from pope and John b. "Shouldn't have said that princess" JJ said as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to his chest, I've never been this close to him before, my heart was pounding. I managed to wiggle free. "Hey I just wanted a hug" the blonde said with a smirk. "Nice try blondie I know you were gonna try to drown me" I said with a laugh.
We all sat peacefully around the fire watching the sunset. Until Jb broke the silence "hey pope come help me grab the beers from the van" he asked and I spoke up "I can help" "no-no you relax we will be back" little did you know they had a plan.
"You cold?" JJs asked as you nodded "here" he said handing you his sweater revealing his toned and tanned muscles. "It's rude to stare" he said with a chuckle as you turned red. He caught you staring oh no. "I-um...I was-nt" I stuttered "well the blush on your cheeks tells me different princess" he said with a smirk. I playfully pushed his arm and then laid my head on his shoulder. "Hey y/n" I hummed in response. "you look...um- really beautiful" he said causing me to tense and meet his gaze "thank you JJ" I said placing a gentle peck on his cheek. "Umm..ok I know...we're like best friends and all b-but..." I motioned for him to continue "I like you y/n...more than a friend I think I love you and I have since I first met you your perfect" I froze at his words. JJ actually liked me back. I faced the blonde boy and spoke up "I-I...like you to JJ" he looked surprised and started to ramble about it and to shut him up I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. His soft lips on mine as he passionately kissed back. He broke the kiss and whispered "will you be mine?" "I'd love to" I replied kissing him again. 'Woah' 'yes' 'about time' 'he's done it' pope and John b piped up celebrating. We both laughed at the boys and enjoyed the rest of the night it was perfect. JJ was finally mine and I was in love.

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