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Warning: includes abusive parts and strong language so if these topics trigger you please do not continue reading.

Backstory~ y/n your name. Your dad has become an alcoholic and abusive towards you ever since your mum died but when you meet a boy it all changes. Pretend JJ has a dog🐶

Y/ns pov:
I was broken and hurt and it's all his fault. I woke up one morning and was relieved to see my dads truck wasn't here. I got dressed and headed out the back to sit in the hammock. I was lying down staring at the sky when I heard a bark. I turned to see a really fluffy black and white dog.

It ran over to me and leaped onto the hammock with me. I stroked him and tickled his stomach and he starting licking me. He was so cute, I wondered who's dog it was. I looked down to his blue collar which said ' 'buddy' I smile and looked at the dog "hey buddy" I said ruffling his hair.

"Buddy!?" "Buddy" I heard someone shout and whistle. The dog started to bark and a blonde haired boy cane round the corner "hey boy" he said patting his knees. Buddy jumped down with a bark and jumped onto his lap and started licking his face. I started to giggle at them until he said something "hey thanks for finding him" "no problem" I said back, he took a few steps forward "he doesn't usually like people much" we both laughed as the dog started jumping up at me. "Go fetch boy" the boy said throwing a ball, the dog ran after it.

"Hey" he said I turned to meet his gaze "hey" "I'm JJ and that's buddy it's great to meet you" he said "I'm y/n it's great to meet you guys too" I said "so you doing anything later, me and buddy are going to the beach wanna come?" He asked "yes I'd love too" I said excited.

It was a few hours later now "hey you want a drink" I asked JJ "yeh sure" I walked into the kitchen grabbed two beers and a bowl of water for buddy. We were all hanging out in the yard when I saw my dads truck pull up "JJ you have to go now!" I said in fear as I jumped from the hammock "why" he asked concerned "just please go I'll meet you at the beach at 8" I said panicking "you little bitch!" I heard my dad yell from the front "go!" I shouted to JJ, he jumped from his seated and ran with buddy out of sight.

"Who was that!" My dad demanded "n-nobody I found his dog I swear" I said backing up until I hit a tree "don't lie to me!" He shouted and spitting "I'm not I swear" I said scared "your a worthless piece of shit!" He exclaimed as he stepped towards me raising his arm, he punched me in the jaw and I fell to the floor crying as he repeatedly kicked me in my ribs "you whore!" He shouted as he walked back inside. I stayed curled up crying on the ground not being able to move.

I stumbled inside to see him passed out on the couch. I walked into the bathroom to clean the cuts on my face I winced at the pain on my ribs as I lifted to see my stomach and ribs dripping with blood and already bruising. It was around 7:45 and I was just leaving the house to meet JJ when I got a text from an unknown number 'hey y/n it's JJ the pogues are going to the beach too I think you'd love meeting them see you soon x' which I replied 'can't wait thanks for inviting me see you soon x'

I arrived at the beach about ten minutes after seeing them all ready splashing in the water "hey y/n!" JJ said as he came over for a hug "heyy" I said embracing him "hey buddy" I said as the dog leaped onto me licking my face. We headed over to the sea and JJ introduced me to kie, Pope, John b and Sarah. I was stood watching when kie approached me "hey you coming in?" She asked motioning me to join her and the others "sure why not" I said giggling I took my T-shirt off and slipped out of my denim shorts revealing my bikini and my bruised and bloody stomach.

We were all splashing around and laughing "hey guys I'm gonna grab some beers anyone want one" JJ asked getting out the water 'me' 'yeh' 'me' 'duh' 'dude you know I don't drink' "y/n would you please help" he asked "yeh sure" I said getting out the water and walking over to him, we reached the van and we're walking back to the others.

"Hey y/n I know I don't really know you but is everything ok because your dad seemed really pissed before and you seemed terrified" I stopped walking thinking what to say and hold back my tears "did he do that to you?" He said motioning towards my bruised and bloody ribs I shook my head fighting back the tears "n-no I umm...fell...of my surf board" I said smiling at the boy, placing the beers on the sand he grabbed my hands and stared into my eyes "listen I know that's not from surfing because I've been through the same thing and you shouldn't have to go through this you don't deserve it" and with that I wrapped my arms around JJ and burst out into tears burying my head into his chest "I can't take it anymore I can't do it" I cried "hey hey it's ok princess I got you your safe and you don't have to go back" he said stroking my hair, I pulled away to meet his gaze "but I don't have anywhere else to go I have nothing" I said "listen" he said calmly cupping my face "we can figure it out you can stay at John bs with us and I'm sure the girls would be happy to go shopping to get you new clothes it'll be ok it'll get better you've got us now" he said placing a gentle kiss to my forehead and dropping his hands after. I took both his hands giving them a squeeze "thanks blondie" "anytime princess" he said and we walked back over still with my hand intertwined with his.
~to be continued✨
hey guys part two will probably be up some time tonight or tomorrow have a good night/day love yall 💓

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